General Discussion

General DiscussionVeno Mid

Veno Mid in General Discussion

    Meme, or really decent in the right hands?
    I played it casually yesterday against SF. Ofc I lost in cs (to SF) in first 10 minutes, but all I had to do to come back was gank lanes and have Lich gank mid to kill him 2 or 3 times.

    One of the most fun games I have had in a while.

    I suppose the question is if its a meme or legit build?

    Dire Wolf

      VP did it at keiv so anything's possible. Radiance though? That's meme

      Dire Wolf

        what's kinda different is noone ran it as a right clicker build not a pusher/nuker build with typical viel/mek, aghs, max plague wards. I figure most mids wold max wards, maybe get a midas, then get pusher items maybe veil into aghs and blink or shadow blade. Noone went all out in q and picked up pike and mjollnir.


          I hadn't thought of all out Right Click build. Early game I kinda went for that with early Blight Stone, RoA and Medallion, but then transitioned into a nuke build with Veil.

          Most of my gold came from High value kills with early levels in my Q.
          Really fun - and seems to be versatile. I'll try out some more games when I am not grinding MMR.

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          Dire Wolf

            I mean mid I think you would just run it like jungle veno except you're farming/pushing mid instead of jungle. What's normal jungle veno? Veil, pike, aghs, max wards to push towers?


              I'd assume so. I haven't seen much Veno play except for a game or two on Waga's stream recently.
              With a 3-2-0-0 build with a OOV and a Medallion, ganking side lanes and killing the opposing mid hero is very easy (unless their team has a strong dispel). Too easy to pass up IMO. Also, against a SF I would have built 3-2-0-0 anyways. He would just feed off the wards early, and I would be way to weak to lane decently in the first 3-5 minutes.

              With value points in my Q+W I could trade hits pretty well, and often force the SF out of the lane (ALWAYS a win).

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              Dire Wolf

                I don't really get why you get -armor items on him though with his magic dmg, unless it's to make your wards hit harder too?


                  Veno lane is nice I once played against an offlane veno; so hard to gank with nice positions of plague wards welp as a support dealing with wards is hard and my core barely alive with the harass veno gave


                    You did a meme build in a 3k game while in a party. Do it in a solo rank game in 4.5k average+ and I start to believe. Veno mid used to be decent but everygame has a roamer and a shadowfiend + 1 roamer kills a veno mid in 2 razes + 2 right clicks (clearly the party you were playing against was awful)

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                    Giff me Wingman



                        @greg, Not really. All it takes to avoid a roamer is knowing the supports gank time, map awareness and wards. If I was a 4k player, I'd try it at 4k. I've seen 4k mmr. Its not much different from 3k. Fewer mistakes and more capitalizing on other's mistakes.

                        I know it was a meme, but I've seen Veno just a little more these days. So I was wondering if taking the hero mid was feasible.

                        @Dire, the early medallion was more of a comfort item I think (more armor against the SF in lane, and more mana regen, valuable tho small). The main goal was for the solar crest against the SF and troll. More miss chances (along with the Radiance) = slightly more survivabilty, and easier to kill of heroes like the Axe. I hadn't really thought about combo-ing the Physical Damage with Plague Wards.

                        Most solo kills came from Veil + Q + R and a right click or two. The solar Crest shone the most in Teamfights.

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                          I guarantee you if I gave you my 4.9k account and told you to go veno mid, you would lose 9 of your 10 games


                            I'd say try me. I learn from my mistakes - hence my outrageous winrate + winstreaks in Ranked.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              just watched the game, looked like you got carried by AM and Sven. the lich ganks helped but not sure why he didn't go silver edge/aghs for your team. I've played this matchup before but way back in 6.88 patch. You can kill him 2-3 times before he hits level 5-7 and has max razes and bottle. But after that he turns on turbo mode and afk jungle to catch up. Usually you'll delay his shadowblade by 4-5 minutes tops. Honestly most SF playing from behind would just sb/bot and stay mid to get the tower first while you ganked then rat dota. I've lost many mid games before from this and just don't think he's in meta anymore.

                              Really good veno replays you'll see them do perfect veil cast on 3-4 heroes followed up by ultimate. I don't think you did any at all, only for spray which is sad. The radiance afterwards just luxury item since you're not a 4/5th position and don't have to support.

                              Woulda been fun to theorycraft if 30-40 minutes if if you can 1v1 SF tho. I guess he musta had tunnel vision making hurricane pike and bkb just to 1v1. Sadly in 2k bracket you would probably be reported and the SF would usually carry this team to victory.

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                                I got a veil ult off twice on 3-4 people twice in bottom lane. It was kinda tricky because I didn't bother with a blink dagger until after Radiance (a choice I wouldn't repeat if I wasn't so far ahead).

                                If anyone carried by game making decisions it was the Lich. AM pretty much AFK farmed - though he did push with us after won fights. Sven got involved a little more, but was kited badly before his BKB.

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Core Veno is devoting too much farm to an unreliable carry who doesn't have any scaling right click steroid. But semi-core Veno like pos 3 on the offlane rotating to offlane jungle/enemy safelane jungle if you're steamrolling the enemy carry + support is pretty good

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    It can work if play carefully. Focus on right click, you have plenty of magic. Deso is great on the banana snake.