General Discussion

General Discussionsolo only 2k very toxic players?

solo only 2k very toxic players? in General Discussion

    so check my last 8 maybe games and see whenever i win enemy trashtalk whenever i lose me and my team trashtalk
    does everyone gets toxic players increased in solo only matcheS?


      Your english is toxic me know not anderstand

      Savvy Cat

        I am stuck with a 47% win rate in 2k ranked because I am unable to keep my thoughts to myself. It has nothing to do with technical or mechanical skills and everything to do with my orally inclined motor and typing skills.

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          Welcome to the club! Some people are just in that mindset, of them carrying for their team and not helping out. Maybe because of the toxicity, i noticed solo que get mixed in with odd ball pairs and such. Like mid not going to side lanes to one hit kill an enemy whom walk to the middle after a tower dive. Since he's too lazy to go. Or those carry safelane whom care about those 3 last hit to last hit an offlane hero. Then there's the supports or the whole team who constantly get picked by riki and never buy sentry wards the whole game. Take this game for example.. not a single sentry whole game vs. riki:

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          yung griphook

            i checked the option that mutes enemy chat automatically. As for my team, i give them a chance or two and if they are continually negative I just mute them and try and play dota. Dealing with negative people is exhausting, and I didn't get online to play pseudo-therapist for an hour

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            Mini Pinscher of Doom

              Same here. As soon as someone is being toxic in any way (flaming, yelling for no reason usually), I mute them, both text and voice.

              Sometimes, I even win those games even when I see ALL my teamates arguing between themselves and the muted player. It really helps when you DONT even think about what as just being said.

              Even when you dont answer flame bait, you still read it, process your thoughs, think of 2-3 reasons why he's wrong and rool your eyes. Those little distraction DO ADD UP over the course of the game, and you are better not even thinking about them.


                Mostly, however, ive just had one of the most funny games ever in 2K solo. So there is still hope


                  On my 2k smurf I play carry and win games

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    youR so fuckign bad

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      You can literally 1 v 5 in 2k as witch doctor with Deso & MkB

                      Savvy Cat

                        The thing about 2k, in my opinion, is that players there are more interested in tearing down who they're allied with rather than who they're allied against. You say you can carry 1v5 in 2k, but can you do it while arguing with your team for 30 minutes in a 40 minute game, and only getting 20 last hits by the end of the game as a result? I am proud 2k stuck in trench and lpq for 1000 moons. I belong there; I deserve it. I earn it.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Or, you know, maybe, hmm, I don't know, use the mute button and play the game yourself? Imagine there are 10 heroes in the game. One of them is you. Five of them can damage you. The other 4 can't. But everyone is an enemy

                          Savvy Cat

                            I prefer to fight with them. Climbing mmr is for cool kids.


                              2k had ppl in it? I thought it was all bot that i played with. So easy >.<


                                The difference between toxicity in 2k and 4K is that ppl are just bad and ignorant and it's funny in 2k but in 4K it becomes arrogant and filled with Dk.

                                Cm's BF

                                  gg retard 1k and 2k here at sea


                                    What's wrong with toxicity? Matches are fun especially if everybody trash talks each others haha.


                                      i raise my mmr from 1.8k to 3.3k. it's possible to win with toxic player. if not, then youre just no different than toxic player


                                        they like to blame and flame for no reason . just mute everyone and play with high volume music .


                                          Be more toxic than them and win games or be so friendly and win games works both for me raised my 1.7k up to here in a year


                                            The toxicity never ends. I used to use it as my fuel, now I avoid it at all costs - or at least when I'm serious, or when I'm trying to tilt the enemy team so that they lose focus. DotA's a mind game if you think about it.


                                              Believe it or not, there IS a mute button in dota

                                              Insane, right?