General Discussion

General Discussionbest hero to roam

best hero to roam in General Discussion
Cʜᴇᴇsᴇ Kɪᴍʙᴀᴘ

    for your opinion guys who is the best hero to roam mid for easy win

    doc joferlyn simp

      Chen and ES


        For trench gaming its SB and BH imo


          It's not about the hero, if you can't roam for shit you won't win easily anyway


            Spirit breaker and riki


              SB, Riki, Pudge, and Earth Spirit


                I personally love this position and is my favourite to play simply because you can be aggressive at level 1 and not bother with laning most of the time. If you want a hero that can fit and fight almost any draft, pick Earth Spirit. He has a slow, a stun, a silence and at level 6 AOE magical damage that deals a good amount when prolonged long enough. Yes, it is challenging to learn how to play him. He's up there in the most difficult ones to play, but he's too good not to know his way around.

                Invis roamers are hot in the pro scene right now. Riki>Treant>Bounty Hunter, although Monkey King is the King of flying vision in that sense. Be wary though, hes not that easy to play around, and needs teamwork to get kills. Ogre Magi was very strong last year but as it turns out he doesnt do anything besides buffing his teammates for AS and MS in the mid to late game.

                Spirit Breaker is a great niche pick and does a lot in the lower skill brackets with his constant aggression and lack of enemy support rotations. I have a very good winrate and kill participation on this hero because of that. An interesting point is, he has a low cooldown, global and instant Linken's Sphere breaker in case you want to help your teammates gank an enemy on another part of the map.

                Pudge and Tusk are popular but not very meta at the moment, because of their unique playstyle. However the options are endless if you want to play this role, especially since many offlane heroes have transitioned to position 4 in the recent past.

                *Chen and enchantress are great but require micro skill while also pushing towers as a team in the early game and learning how to flash farm to stay relevant in the mid to late game, not my favourite heroes to play but they are strong in a push heavy lineup.

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                Erdal Kömürcü

                  pudge tusk lion earth shaker these are good for me


                    Ask dentist how to roam with riki :laugh:


                      mk riki treant bh pudge
                      latter two are slightly out of meta but still ok


                        yesterday i 3 k gamez i won 5 rankeds i n ros having 50 ont steal at 25 to 30 min with their cores having 350 mana