General Discussion

General DiscussionIs midas less viable on supports now?

Is midas less viable on supports now? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I anticipated the change to it would lead to more carries getting it and less supports, but it seems to be the opposite. I still seem to have trouble judging when to go midas. Certain heroes I almost always get it on (wraith king, AA, pheonix, though i rarely play them), but other times I have trouble judging. If I am playing carry and I have a lead I get it, unless I can use my lead to get a killing item instead.

    But when it comes to supporting I have trouble determining when to go midas.

    i follow Jesus.

      pretty much yes. midas was not for the gold but for the xp, and now with less xp on midas its a bit less worth it but heroes that use it and get a nice synergy with it like rylai and tree are still a must-have
      i think most heroes still really want midas because the item itself isnt the 2000g waste it used to be
      the main reason i say that is because people are picking arc fucking warden and the hero was being trated as the shittiest of all shit and now hes kinda back to being slightly op now that you literally get a 264 or something gpm advantage just by having it (i havent done the mat bt its 440x0.6)
      i wouldnt say less viable, but less beneficial. still core

      Savvy Cat

        I heard Purge say it could potentially be better on supports now who feed too often with those higher levels received from Midas experience. I guess in zoo tier pubs like mine, maybe it is a waste on supports?


          Midas is good if you pair it up with those xp talents.


            It wasn't ever viable on supports