General Discussion

General Discussionafter years and years of dota, I have a profound awakening what we do...

after years and years of dota, I have a profound awakening what we do wrong in 4k bracket in General Discussion

    yes yes.. you heard it right. I have played 3k party mmr bracket using "BlackXargon_" in the past week and it was very easy for me to see what 3k shits do wrong. it's like i have utmost confidence that I can win each game.

    and I always wondered how 5k, 6k and 7k see us in 4k..
    if a 4K player like me can easily see wrong things in 2k and 3k.. then im pretty sure im SHIT just like that from a 5k,6k, 7k perspective

    AND here's what I noticed when started using my 4k account again.

    it's that we JOIN clashes or clash anyway

    .. JUST BECAUSE we see our teammates FUCKING there! FUCKING FOC.

    I used to have a very selfish mindset as a CARRY that I'm not joining a clash if I don't feel good that I can come out of it alive, unless of course i get an ULTRA KILL or something.

    But apparently, this SHOULD also HOLD TRUE even when you're playing any other roles - especially SUPPORTS


      we are like monkeys in the eyes of 5k's above


        4ks have no idea where to go on the map and when.

        It's just ridiculous


          ^ any tips for safelane carries.

          I love playing Spectre and Luna only and 4k supports are not skilled enough to know how to fight offlaners.
          When to harass, when to not pull, etc

          Its usually an early advantage for offlaners when I'm playing hard carry heroes.

          Any tips?


            Why not try practicing 1v1 safelane vs offlane with someone with similar skill level as you or better?
            Or just calculate both of your mana/skill cd/damage/attack range etc and only take favorable trades

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I found this monkey fact when I was 4K middle.

              Start thinking why you have X movement instead of Y at that time and question the reason behind it - then you will climb faster


                I ask those questions and I still TP into a SB LC as AM 3 times in a row which throws my min 14 BF lead
                Dota is amazing


                  ^ x movement instead of y?


                    TP to everything always, that's the secret to this patch. It's much more likely that you lose because you didn't tp than because you tped into a bad fight. Not to mention allies tilt if you leave them to feed midlane.

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                      "Why am I farming on their top tower and jungle instead of fighting with my team at bottom? Oh yea they have a fucking RP and magnus is coming in and I can outpush the fuck out of them while eating their resources, not to mention I can't fight them with my items right now" kind of stuff

                      not arin

                        i was talking about it with a high mmr guy whos smurfing in 4K atm and he doesn't have clue what's going to happen
                        teammates absolutely randomly decide to go on an adventure into enemy jungle and just get wiped because they take super bad fight

                        but sometimes enemy team brokebacks even harder and a fight that seemed 100% lost even before it began would be turned around if he went there too instead of splitpushing or farming

                        also noone in 4K is doing anything and even splitpushing is kinda difficult and drawn out because as soon as you appear on map you get ganked by 5 ppl since noone applies any pressure on the map

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                          Play offlane and support heroes so u understand what they can do.


                            4ks are just utter trash dogs. 0 game sense, 0 strategic planning, people even miss semi-skillshots like crazy. WTF is wrong with these people?


                              Even 5ks are retarded af, I take Omni solo offlane and exit the laning phase 5-0 against Dazzle - AntiMage. I solo kill Morphlings. Do you even Dota?


                                low 4k is 3k ur still not 4k player


                                  @not arin we're definitely in the same boat in terms of the context I'm bringing up.

                                  +1 on no one applies pressure on the map = I am recently experimenting on a scenario where a dual offlane or a solo off-laner is far stronger than my Spectre/Luna + Stupid support.

                                  I decided to go full jungle with some levels + Iron Talon + QB.
                                  This way I let my support have a lot of exp and farm BUT really the primary reason is so that he can TANK the gank.
                                  He'll be the primary target of enemies as he'll be looked at as an easy prey.

                                  Of course, this all different when enemy lineup has LEGIT roamers like Riki, Pudge, SB, or MK.

                                  @ S T I R L I N G

                                  So it also happens in 5K MMR.. hmmm... so what is the main difference between 5K and 4k?


                                    lol 4k's are like sheeps they dont know how to push or when to push, or WHERE to push, they do things mechanicaly like foken bots
                                    and they go die one by one
                                    old news

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Spectre's pretty mobile I think this is one of the reasons she and Zeus has had a resurgence of win rate lately, even more so than the last few patches.


                                        so what do 3ks do wrong?

                                        what you're describing is just efficiency. it's a result of being less efficient. it's not a strategic error of thinking.

                                        meaning if you ask a 5k what 4ks do wrong, they will say the exact same thing. that they are not joining fights they can win, etc.

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