General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to lycan?

How to lycan? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    icetea teach me the way

    hi as usual i am here with a newb question. After some pretty bad losing streaks, i have been re-examining the way I play dota, and have began to identify the issues I need to resolve. I think one of the biggest one (besides dying too much) is not focusing on goals. So I have been trying to rat more. Been playing Furion more, I really like his new talent of +4 treants, I have been trying to build a backdoor over-ride build like I used to a long time ago (necro, assault, deso) and it has made me want to play lycan.

    I have always been interested in playing lycan but I always do horrible with him. How does he do in lane? I feel i can lane better with him than I can jungle with his +damage skill. Any general advice with him?

    Also, if I am forced to jungle (, what is the best way to start? I always feel like I either end up tanking way too much damage, or my wolves die instantly.

    Gabba Gabba Games TTV

      "Been playing Furion more," Yeah but why lol?

      at least play something good, like brood

      Chao Vritra

        Because he is a comfort hero for me. I think his +4 treant talent really helped him. I take your word for it that brood may be a better hero right now, but it would take me awhile to learn brood. Also I think his teleport is OP.

        No other hero can teleport directly into the enemy base and melt a set of barracks with backdoor protection. I am not saying there are not other heroes capable of beating the backdoor protection, but the ability to teleport directly in to the treeline and accomplish so much so quickly. I think it is under-rated, and something that a lot of players probably do not think about. Idk i never see NP players anymore so I don't think a lot of players think about this going into the game. In my bracket at least

        edit: whether he is good or not right now in terms of the meta (which does not exist in my bracket), despite buffs/nerfs, at the end of the day I think this is just OP. People do not know how to handle it and you can literally win really close games that go late. Specifically when you and the enemy are both missing barracks.

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        1-IceTea 🌟

          Up lot of 3rd if you are in lane,ulti from dark and chase dive enemies soft hero after you hit 6, dive wisely,kill->run to shrine or tp back,always look for soft enmies to kill in you going into team fight(lion,Lina,rubick,drown ect.) go rat if you found the opportunity

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          Chao Vritra

            Thanks for the advice IceTea, I am really excited to start playing this hero. I never see him in my bracket.