i think there are different heros to spam for different brackets. So if spamming jungle bs is ok for 2k, it will not work in 5k
it doesn't fucking matter, just pick any hero you won't get bored with and start spamming him.
it doesn't matter in which bracket you are nor what hero it is.
you can be 3k with 3k games on invoker or you could be 6k with 3k games on invoker
the amount of work you put in depends, not how many games you have.
just play the heroes that makes you happy. if it techies go with techies . If u like peaches go with peaches - up to you really .
i spam ursa jungle with 65-66% win rate if centaur/slardar is banned. unless enemy takes juggernaut/slark/antimage, in this case its legion commanders dinner.
But spammning one hero is both boring and wrong, you need to have hero pool anyway :)
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Any suggestion what are the heroes good in spam ..
(Win rate)