can't you ask yourself basic questions first like: "what do i want out of dota" instead of asking a bunch of questions and providing 0 meaningful context
if you arent good at something and you want to get better at it, you should practice & study its pretty simple
You're going back to 3k anyway if you can't increase your basic skills/knowledge of ALL possible lanes/scenarios/farming patterns
theres no shortage of mids and carries in 4k and if u dont feel like u want to play carry and mid theres no reason to practice them
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Just reached 4 k. I play mostly Offlane core role. Or as a roaming support. And only safelane support If nobody wants to play support.
But I really.. Suck as a carry and as a midlaner. Should I practice so I can play these as well? Or should I play on with the roles I'm good at atm?