General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be good carry?

How to be good carry? in General Discussion
Shikanoko Noko

    Im trying to be good carry every freaking game. Please give advice how to get better.


      quick reminder that you can get to 3k in a week by mastering all my challenges.

      quicker reminder that there were dozens of players who did my challenges and instantly got to 3k

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        What are the challenges cookie? ;)


          Basically last hit challenges

          STYX HELIX

            Last Hit Challenges ? How to participate it !?


              download last hit challenge

              create lobby and try to get as many last hits as possible in for example 10 minutes

              try to improve the number



                Just check the informative comments of "a bit about analysing" thread


                  Lh challenge's also said there by cookies. It's gotta be a pinned msg tbh ive seen it in a thousand different posts


                    Can confirm. Bws has 1k skills but can plays in 3k because he last hits

                    Shikanoko Noko

                      sound interesting


                        Question no 1
                        Are you better than your enemy and teammate at laning?


                          Professor fierce carry guide i think

                          Shikanoko Noko

                            @fx party mode idk how to answer your question

                            Shikanoko Noko

                              @cookie you mean this one
                              quick reminder that if you were to do all these challenges you would go from 2k to 3k in a week by applying them in real time as good as aproximately to a real game you can:
                              easy ones:

                              1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                              2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                              3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                              4. 30 min- 600 LH
                              5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)
                              advanced ones:

                              1. 11 min- 120 LH
                              2. 30 min- 800 LH
                              3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy a set of tangoes and a wraith band, you'll constantly have only 25~ damage.
                              4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)
                              all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

                              Mr. Jin

                                Interesting imma go try. Does the last hit challenge include pressurizing opponents so it is close to a real life situation?

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                                  Ofc not my dears, because 2ks dont apply pressure.

                                  And whoever thibks that the couple of harrasses hit from the enemy offlane viper is actually any pressue then youve never seen a 6k game.

                                  The amount of free space you have 0-4k is ridiculous. If i had half that spce in an 6k match id be 7k by now

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                                    ^ that's so true


                                      Imma try this challenge tomorrow.

                                      Mr. Jin

                                        But I got pressured by Lina and disruptor+ spells. Is that not pressured enough? And on top of that laning teammate pressure+last hit KS.

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                                          a single solo 7k offlaner is 10000000000000 times worse than a 2k penta lane hitting you at the same time.

                                          because once you figure out that you can just leave the lane and go jungle, that 7k will take your tower and gank you in the jungle

                                          while those 5 2ks will just sit there and miss lasthits.

                                          those 2-3 spells they threw at you is nothing compared to not being able to leave the lane nor stay in it.

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                                            Focus on being a better player. The carry thing comes naturally


                                              why cookies said like he is 6k player?


                                                To many 4k in matches play like 1k cause cookies . Calibrate my I'd to 4k ? That idea cookies want to help calibrated from 2k Mmr to 4k Mmr . Help but when u give your I'd , he do 4k n want charge money ! Now around 4k to many noob cause him ... he calibrated for what ? Want help ? Want money ? Or for fun ? People 2k help he went I talk about this but a real player 4k so annoying . 2k become 4k now . That idea cookies like a people buyer I'd ....

                                                Shikanoko Noko

                                                  @SoilcoW at least he better than you lmao


                                                    Safelane this patch: win your lane if possible, don't feed if you can't. Group when you are strong and when you are weak split-push. Don't get picked off stupidly and you should win most games if you are a meta carry like jugg/naix.




                                                        use a ladder bro..hahah..✌


                                                          haha i know i just want to know that he is really 6k skill player or can only talk about he is 6k player XD


                                                            With 5.5 you get in a lot of 6-6.5 games so i think he knows what he is talking about.


                                                              i just see his thread race to 7k lul i mean he cant even get to 6k in the first place nvm im just triggered by him act like he knows everythhing. im out now