General Discussion

General DiscussionDragon Lance on CK is good

Dragon Lance on CK is good in General Discussion


    also jdf8


      Cheap Laugh Guy



          no, it doesnt build into anything. Jasha is way better.

          one syllable anglo-saxon



              blademail is good on any hero



                buy only the ogre club but with quarterstaff instead

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                  wtf? it's actually good it's cheap with nice stats threads echo armlet with 2 dragon lance legitly good


                    just get an echo sabre. too many better items than to go for dl. agility is redundant now

                    Potato Marshal

                      You should already be getting an armlet and echo for the stats. What's the point of filling up your inventory with early game crap by the 30 minute mark only to sell it right afterwards?

                      Ramtin H

                        why not instead of dl an armlet


                          I get echo saber and armlet too it's just his core items are expensive you need approx 40+ minutes to get your core items so dl is kinda good as a temporary item


                            Is Abyssal Blade good for ck?

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              You can buy Vanguard into Abyssal, yes but ill advised because no one will right click illusions
                              You can buy SnY, it comes in lots of components and gives more than just stats

                              Dire Wolf

                                His core items aren't that expensive and not more so than any other carry. Manta buildup is easy and it's a lot better than s&y btw, armlet is super easy, echo is easy, heart is a pita but that's it. Bkb is easy if you need it. It's a very rare game that goes past CK with treads, armlet, echo, manta, heart. Game's usually end there or you have so much gold it's easy to buy items.

                                And you will have slot issues if you go lance. Tp, treads, lance, armlet, echo, yasha, oops out of space. If you really want a cheap stat boost early just buy a freakin bracer, it's a quarter of the price of lance for half the stats plus some int.


                                  If you'd think Dragon Lance is better than an echo sabre then you're probably only thinking of which benefits illusions more. As a CK spammer I tried them all, not dragon lance but about everything else. I found that heaven's halberd is very effective on Chaos Knight, at only 3.5k gold it gives you huge amounts of strength, decent damage but more importantly the maim. Better than SnY just because you're not wasting your gold on nasty agility that you already make up for with your good agility gain. Active is also good for a Sven I guess but gets pretty useless when the bkbs are out, which are commonly built against Chaos Knight.
                                  Nobody likes halberd, feels sad.

                                  Ramtin H

                                    I Think u should get armlet then farm till manta and get Bot so u can use manta for pushing and lhing lane creeps while u are farming the jungle and then get hearth skadi bkb ac or any thing else u need
                                    in my opinion ck is 1 of the hardest carries in the game and there are just a few carries who can beat him with his ult so just make the game go late
                                    Ez mmr Ez life :)

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                                      @Dire Wold Bracer is really nice and cheep it's 1/3 of the price of dl and half the stats
                                      @Ramtin *H* (1v9) CK on late games is pretty much 100% win steriod str gain and agi gain
                                      (My apologies being noob because i'm practicing pos. 1 and 2 on my 2k smurf)

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I used to build double bracers on ck and dk. People would laugh but imagine a dk running at you at ~8 minutes with two bracers and dragon lance and like 1200 hp and 30 strength dmg. Then you just sell em and recoup half the money.

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                                          @Dire Wolf I get double bracers only if i'm so under farmed as a pos 4 roaming str stun Ex. Slardar, CW?

                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                            Too many memes for me here

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Level 10 dk with strength talent, treads, 2 bracers, lance.

                                              1800 hp, 3900 ehp. It's legit if you want to just maul towers and not get pushed around. Dps is kinda low though.

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                                              Savvy Cat

                                                Love Pike on DK. Makes him into an even better tower pushing while also giving him that semi mobility he would normally pick up with Blink. Would definitely pick up an Armlet long before a second Bracer, though. I think a decent player could have PT, Bracer, Armlet, and DL on them by around 12-14 minutes.


                                                  ck doesn't have the mana to support the use of halberd, he cant even sustain his innate spells.


                                                    naked bracer is dumb on ck he already devotes 2 slots to early game items, there isn't a point in buying all this useless early crap then sell it 10 minutes later. just go treads armlet echo heart or whatever.

                                                    J3rk -crvasud

                                                      just ward and sentry is enough

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        40 minutes wutface

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