General Discussion

General DiscussionDota2Message

Dota2Message in General Discussion

    Dear Kids,

    Stop playing dota and focus on your studies. This way u will help the community clean, No more trashtalking nonsense shit, no more feeder, no more sensitive gay kids and throw games and most of all, NO MORE PEENOISE


      yeah ...

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        word up!!

        1-IceTea 🌟

          In a CC
          I saw a mature office working guy (by the way he dress)
          About 25 y/o +-
          He still talking bull shit and make real life threatening to other Dota player by mic,kids won't do that.

          Your assumption is wrong,by the way he's not pinoy either u racist-smurf-scrum


            pretty sure if the ppl who study go study and stop playing dota the only ones who are left are the way too toxic ones

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              Also, learn english when you play an international game. especially if you're a jungler on dotabuff

              1-IceTea 🌟

                From :

                Just sharing a jungler experience : yesterday played 5 matches lose 2.
                1)Teammate timber feed courier intentionally while my morbid mask is in,and middle match feed it again because he being chased by 4 enemies and I refuse to save his death ass.
                He take all creep put all item in stash and feed alone,despite he delay my item so much and keep feeding,I solo took down enemies 2 lane while we lose 2 and in the end just left last Melee barrack to Megat creep.Was able to play 47minutes game with this feeder and almost won.
                2)Teammate went solo hardlane SD after I marked/said I jungle.
                Didn't feed much but I guess he trash talk in team and all (I muted him) He afk in fountain and control the courier stay there so no one can use.Our SF tilted,feed and abandoned.
                Still I rise my mmr.Don't post you met bad teammate or throwing mate,I been through the worst,spamming worst place and rises mmr.
                Hope this motivated you.


                  sometimes it's just how it is man i dont even think about those games i just go afk watch smth and tell the other team to end and my team to let em. most of those games tho ppl abandon u could do it after them.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Also, learn english when you play an international game. especially if you're a jungler on dotabuff

                    Is this refers to me?
                    I believe my broken England that boommm by techies is butter then some 'Wing' playerr and I am VHS no need smurf and more efficient at destroying enemies Ancient then you hahaHAA.

                    And my file fail to see why jungler need better England then lane player hahaHAHA.
                    I am already more then 12 btw HAHAHAHA.

                    Just kappaing for meme hope you won't get hurt HAHAHAHA


                      I firmly believe that by tilting and reacting negatively, one becomes the toxic they once abhorred.

                      But you know what they say, you either die a saint or live long enough to become a devil.

                      Midas 👋🏻

                        Midas 👋🏻

                          I also have the same problem.Playing with rank and most players are kids.The reason is its already the summer break here in philippines so you will have to suffer 2months with these kids.

                          Negative Mental Attitude

                            Who said i cant play dota and do well in school?

                            :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


                              who said that i can do well at school while not playing dota?
                              :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                oh youre sick it must be those goddamn video game