General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo late game

Meepo late game in General Discussion
gaear grimsurd

    does meepo actually dominate the late game ?? i had this game where i was stomping hard at early and mid game, our hard carry AM well he fed at bot at early so his items are a little bit late. at late game the AM never catched up, so it was up to me and now that the enemy has pipe and almost lock items meepo couldnt do shit, so do you really need to end fast while playing meepo ?


      Not a meepo expert but pretty sure ending fast is the optimal way to play meepo since you simply can


        late game meepo is useless

        gaear grimsurd

          if you end at mid game the problem is that the enemies will buyback and nuke all their shit on me (unless my team will help but nah because of normal skill they farm just after a wipe out) then i die, and here comes the late game


            Enemies buyback -> you run the fuck away

            The DarKNovA

              In Ultra late, Meepo is not very hard to pick off, so you want to finish when you're in your peak, and the enemy still couldn't measure up.


                Late game you cannot disengage safely

                gaear grimsurd

                  yea, especially with death prophet sucks the shit out of me


                    Experienced meepo players tend to panic if they fail to end the game in 35-40 min. Coz since you already are six slotted and lvl 25 at that time, you cannot improve anymore but your enemies always can. Did not play meepo much after 7.00, but im %100 sure that meepo is even worse in late game but better in early game after the patch.


                      if game went >45 min and your team is wholly dependent on you!! Thats a lost game!!

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                      gaear grimsurd

                        yea i know, unless we got a good carry, which is rare in normal skill


                          Flash farmer heroes always falls off lategame

                          casual gamer

                            he cant poof out to escape (eul hex orchid and stuns more) and teams group a lot so pickign with sheep is weaker also mroe travels and less opportunity to cheese rax with ur frankly stupid dps

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                              Buy 5 ethereal
                              Get smoke
                              Reach their t3 towers
                              Poof meepos
                              Mega 1 side
                              Run back
                              Rinse and repeat this process till megas achieved.


                                Even though his damage rivals or surpasses most other carries easily, playing Meepo in late-game is much harder than ending the game early.
                                He is easy to pick-off.
                                It's hard to do pick-offs as him.
                                Fights are usually much more chaotic so that one Meepo will die and ruin everything.
                                Evasion fucks him hard.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Late game meepo most carries can just 1v1 one of his clones before he can poof them out. It's that ~25 min meepo with 3k hp that's the real bitch to kill.