General Discussion

General DiscussionIncresing MMR

Incresing MMR in General Discussion
Christy Rinyz

    First of all i appologize if the topic is misleading :P

    1. I want to know how long it will take for a 1k mmr to reach 5k mmr. A month? Half a year? Full year? I dont have any mmr yet, i want to know if its even possible.

    2. How does mmr work? Do you get direct +25 when win? I know its not only about winning also about kda and stuff like that but does the point add to your mmr directly?...... I play dota 1 before, there we get +5 points every win and -3 when lost. i manage to get 3k points is the process the same? So much to know so much to ask.

    Thank you


      1) Its about how fast you improve yourself. But not in a month or even 6 months probably. It still depends on you tho.

      2) You get +25 for every win and -25 for every loss and abandon. Kda gpm xpm and other stuff will only effect your calibration. Once you calibrated it doenst matter how much xpm or kills you have. Winners get +25 losers get -25

      Your welcome :)


        Or you are welcome im not sure lol


          +23 -23 +24 -24 +25 -25 +33 -33 I always get when winning and lost huehue


            when i first play dota i finish my tbd with 1.3k..then i make a new acc and finish my tbd with 3k xD
            all i remembered is the second time i finish tbd solo i play all game with hardcarrys.


              1. Really depends on how much you want to improve yourself. Refrain from blaming your teammates. It doesn't help you climb. Watch your own replays and look for your mistakes so you can internalize them and do better next time.

              2. Depends on how hard of a 1-sided stomp it was. Stomping the enemy from the start will get you the least, while making a huge comeback will get you the most.


                Please do not listen to people who say "i celibret higher than my original mmr by making new acc heres how"
                All you're going to do is to ruin games by feeding because you don't deserve to be in that bracket and drop back to wherever you belong, congratulations you spent 100+ hours trying to cheat your way to higher mmr for nothing
                Usually +25 for win
                -25 for loss, but it depends on both team's average mmr
                Getting from 1k to 5k depends on how much time you spend playing, your skill/talent/intelligence, your attitude, and how determined you are to improve/gain mmr
                1 year or less to get it is not easy but possible if you try really hard



                  it's already march so here in philippines its already summer it means there will be a lot of fucking retarded kids in your match had a game with this invoker 4-17 10 mins boots and midas.

                  ROAD TO 1.9K AGAIN


                    GIT GUD SUN
                    WHERE YO SF SPAM NOW


                      Well in my case it took me 2 years to increase my 2.5k mmr to 4.1k then dropped to what my mmr right now, it depends on every individual.


                        It took me a year to get from 1.2 to 3.5
                        Just kidding I'm still a 2k shitter haHAA xd


                          ^ imma spam invo on pub 190-200 avg ping in most cafes here.


                            Btw sf with 125+ raze damage is op?


                              Most of people in dota have played here 2k+ hours and they are not even 3k. 99℅ of dota players are below 5k and AVARAGE dota player play this few years and avg mmr is about 2.5k so your chance to climb from 1k to 5k within year are way smaller then 1℅. But GL :)