General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying from behind

Playing from behind in General Discussion
Rektdalf the White

    As the title said, I'd really appreciated tips for playing when your team is behind. Because that happened to me more times in near past, then I'd like to and I'm quite sure I am not coping with it well.
    For example what is the right thing to do when they won 2/3 lanes during laning phase and after that they just 4-5 man roll for your towers and your team doesnt have the means to manfight them at that time.
    Also different tips for each position 1-5 would be highly appreciated - 3 would be the most. Should you force teamfights with supports to make space for your pos 1/2 to farm up or what, sth along those lines. Thanks in advance.


      Smoke as 5 and try to catch them offguard.

      Or turtle and have good Hg defense. Comeback gold is a bitch and so is downtime when your enemies are all lv 20 and above


        If you are a high mobility hero like QoP, Storm or maybe even some offlaner with blink like Sand King you should push out other lanes when the enemy team 5 mans your towers. If someone TPs in to defend ten you TP back to help your team. The goal is to make them TP back to defend their tower and when they do some people will be left behind and you just run on them or at least cancel their TPs. Your team must have some decent wave clearing though.

        As an offlane it really depends on your other cores. If you have something like an Ember Spirit you should go smoke gank with him + supports and make space for your position 1. But only if you already have your first big item like a blink dagger.

        If you're carry you want to push towers and make them defend, but you have to continue farming (farm the enemy jungle if you have to). Only TP back in fights that you can win, if you have to sacrifice one rax then so be it. Just make sure your whole team doesn't die.

        As support you just want to place wards where you can see the enemy team as they push. Try to not make these placements obvious, it doesn't have to be on a cliff. Even just a little bit of vision is enough. And then you want to deward wards that are place inside your base.