General Discussion

General DiscussionGood lh a 10/20/30

Good lh a 10/20/30 in General Discussion
Negative Mental Attitude

    typically i am 57-61/mid 120's/210-230

    if i want to improve what should i be aiming for? Or should i farm less and fight more in 7.00???????????

    casual gamer

      yeah my cs totals always suck this patch gg valve nice game heroes of the storm


        idk, it depends on the hero youre playing, and the mount of kills you participate in. in example sf mid 80-90 by 10 is easily doable.

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          10 cs/min overall the whole game is the minimum


            I always think these kinda threads are stupid and pointless. It doesn't matter how much cs you have you can have 7cs/min, 12cs/min, 20cs/min doesn't fucking matter. You're not being useless and you farm as much as you can that's what matters and every game is different and depends what hero you're even playing. In some games you might be against cancerous lane and 30cs @10 mins will be fucking fantastic cuz you didn't die and all you need is xp, so u catch up later and have some impact, it's just fucking stupid, unless you give a specific hero and tell what kind of game you have is it hard or is it a free farm.

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              Situation, hero, and lineup dependant


                If you want to improve on that pick all these heroes that u play and go into an empty lobby and farm as fast as possible while not doing something stupid u wouldn't do in a real game, see what kinda of patterns are efficient, maybe u can stack some camp or something and then go in a real game and try it, it worked for me and I improved on that very quick.


                  10 - 100
                  20- 400


                    do the cookie cs challenges

                    Forget me not

                      Remember there are only 4 creep /30s from lane. If you have a uncontested or ez Lane you should be able to get 80++ lh at 10 min mark I think.

                      Dire Wolf

                        You want more than the other guy, that's what matters. You want more gpm than the other guy too. These 5ks will play luna and am and jug and come in here and tell you if you're under 10 a min you suck but you know who gets 10 a minute? Farming carries in 5k and that's it. Most carries in 3k barely get 4 a minute so if you can squeak out 5 or 6, like 200 cs at 30 minutes, most of your opponents end the game with that.

                        Plus 3ks do not know jack shit about stacking or farm priority. Supports will go clear jungle at ~20 minutes and whoops there goes a whole jungle rotation for you. Or you have a stack killing hero like luna and no one stacks anything, you might stack ancients only with your dominator.

                        "Remember there are only 4 creep /30s from lane. If you have a uncontested or ez Lane you should be able to get 80++ lh at 10 min mark I think."

                        It's around that, but as soon as your support fucks up lane equilibrium it's under your tower and you're trying to cs on a ranged hero it can be rough. Again a lot of these super high cs numbers are driven by proper supporting. Farming is more of a team effort than people realize.

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                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          I always think these kinda threads are stupid and pointless. It doesn't matter how much cs you have you can have 7cs/min, 12cs/min, 20cs/min doesn't fucking matter. You're not being useless and you farm as much as you can that's what matters and every game is different and depends what hero you're even playing. In some games you might be against cancerous lane and 30cs @10 mins will be fucking fantastic cuz you didn't die and all you need is xp, so u catch up later and have some impact, it's just fucking stupid, unless you give a specific hero and tell what kind of game you have is it hard or is it a free farm.

                          preach 🙏🙏🙏

                          u cant get high gpm/cs every game because there are a lot more factors to it that do not depend on u
                          ur lane may get sacked
                          u may have a greedy core like am or tinker that just suck up all the space(especially if they're bad and are afreaid toever farm on the enemy terrotory)
                          ur enemies may run some shit like ns slardar naix which chokes u extremely hard especially if u're losing

                          every1 whos saying u need to get x gpm/cs every game is bullshitting u

                          The DarKNovA

                            Yeah, at the end, the point is for you to bring out the most of your situation, and if the enemy plan on hindering you, you better make it sure they over commit themselves doing that, leaving a lot of space to your other core or semi cores at least.
                            That's often the best you can do, lacking proper support, and mates who knows you should be a priority.
                            Of course, if you're uncontested, you should be able to do 7 creeps/minute early on, 10 with proper support stacking, but that will happen once every other full moon, unless you're very high MMR.


                              Doesn't matter how much cs you have when you're shit


                                All these cs/min numbers are well and good until your safelane support Kotl illuminate nukes the creep waves into your enemies tower


                                  In 700 mmr u basically instantly win the game by hitting 50 lh in 10 min and having half a brain to use that gold