General Discussion

General Discussionclimb to 3k from 2k

climb to 3k from 2k in General Discussion

    obs is pretty good at screen recording, it's insanely light and configurable


      just do your best even if you know youre going to lose jsut keep on playing at your best and try to win, that way you will improve in no time, spamming your skilled heroes would do, just climbed from 2.6k to 3.1k in 3 days lol

      white boy summer

        i got out with ember and storm. only spam mid heroes


          Go find full pirated version your own, I forgot where I found it
          You don't have to get coached to get good, analyze and think about the game (some people can do it on-the-fly inside games like me, while if you can't you can do it post match, or by viewing high mmr players' gameplay, but you have to prioritize on finding out WHY they do certain shits, instead of copying them 100%, copy their mindset and way of thinking, instead of their gameplay)


            Fraps is quite heavy tho, my PC can handle it but idk about yours


              At 400 matches mark I started playing solo MMR
              I started from 1.2k
              I didn't improve that quick but hey at least I gained mmr and became better


                I think I only played 200-250 more matches ever since I got my first MMR
                Gotta credit it to people like cookie, etc and all the YouTube guides


                  bandicam xd


                    ^yeah i gotta credit to cookie too after all he helped me get out from 1k lol


                      Most of my motivation comes from Kelly tbh (Renshin)
                      Nice dude, it's good too see him back being active in dota again


                        fuck fraps, it's so goddamn trash.

                        it's heavy on your pc and file size is literally unlimited.

                        get OBS


                          ahh i need guide too for going 3k. stuck at 2.3 mmr now. any suggestion for me?
                          when i played AM, i always get ganked and ganked by the enemy hero, my AM winrate is so low to :(
                          so, how can i do it man

                          i'm tired doing support in 2k


                            any llink on where i can download it mr.cookie?Imma check if it has a pirated version.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              wait found out that it's free.


                                @InSAnity(invoker mode) lol bruh y u have a VAC ban? ey gg add me.


                                  I scammed people


                                    how to get 100 last hit in 10 minutes?
                                    i tried it lobby and just got 75 last hit
                                    any tips?


                                      if u dont miss cs u gotta get ~82 in lane
                                      also farm lane fast then go to nearest jungle camp kill it fast and get back to next wave. it's ok to miss a lane creep for the whole camp


                                        Csgo ban
                                        I borrowed my acc to my irl friend
                                        He was a serial VACer but I didnt give a shit


                                          Push the wave -> eat side camp -> wave pushed back to default equilibrium


                                            Do the 600 LH 30 min challenge
                                            Also buy treads before BF, thanks


                                              its so hard to play am. last game i got witch doctor support that so greedy killing enemy and make my cs hard
                                              what can i do from it


                                                Yea AM can be quite deceptive
                                                His skillset is quite simple but he's not exactly easy to master
                                                1. Get a quick quelling (if you start off with quelling from the get go please donate your brain for science)
                                                2. Control the lane equilibrium
                                                3. Try jungling after treads and ring of health
                                                4. Tell him to stop, nicely
                                                5. If he insists on trying to kill, tell him to fuck off or ignore him and let him feed while you get the last hits, at least he's making space


                                                  If the enemy team tries to gank your lane, remember, jungle and other lanes exist
                                                  Rat and farm both their jungle and reasonably if there are no good fight possible to take
                                                  Join on potentially good teamfight, dont tunnel vision yourself on afk farm until manta abyssal, by joining teamfight, you can potentially make your own space


                                                    ^His an AM spammer.So listen to him.And how can you 100 cs in just 10 mins?all I can hit is 50.


                                                      Usually once you have talon (or treads if you prefer going for the old build) you can push the creep wave to the enemy tower then go to the medium camp near your lane, clear the camp, and get back to the lane with the creeps equilibrium getting pushed back to default
                                                      Most of the time on real games I only got the chance to do it at min 8+ because the enemy offlaner/dual lane keeps autoattacking like a retard and I can't afford yoloing to hit the creeps more to make the wave push to their tower


                                                        Once I can clear the jungle creeps efficiently
                                                        Eat lane creeps and push the wave -> blink to medium side camp -> get back to eating lane creeps while pushing the wave too -> blink to easy side camp, eat them -> get back to lane, and repeat because more safari fams spawned

                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                          also if u dont know this already you should split your cleave damage across creeps evenly so u can take them all out at the same time with ur last hit

                                                          doing this way saves 2-3 hits and makes it so that its harder for u to miss the cs when doing it against lane creeps


                                                            Time to spam AM.Any tips boiis?here's my playstyle and tell me what are the things I need to improve.

                                                            Starting items:
                                                            3 gg branch
                                                            One salve

                                                            Get boots
                                                            Then Perseverance
                                                            Broadsword (cuz its near the sideshop)
                                                            Then claymore for (BF)

                                                            I usually get these items around <13 mins.With an avg (50-60 cs)

                                                            Get threads
                                                            Buy yasha
                                                            Buy recipe
                                                            Buy ultimate orb (manta)

                                                            Usually hit this item arounf 19-21 mins.


                                                              Starting items = too much branches, get enough so you can use them for the active and eat them for double regen from tango
                                                              Quelling first item, reported
                                                              Stout shield? Hello? Then you get PMS?
                                                              Boots into ring of health into treads is mandatory most of the time, maybe now you get talon and quelling quick but item progression afterwards should be the same
                                                              Manta/vlad/yasha VG depends on the situation


                                                                hey i played alch today and i got 4 slotted (radiance manta bot octarine) at 25. is that good enough>
                                                                also i ended the game at 32


                                                                  no its bad

                                                                  btw does this thread deserves so much discussion ?

                                                                  Mr. Merlion

                                                                    Pick a carry. Juz do ur best, ignore ur teammates, KS their farm, their kills. If u got hard Lane juz tp to another Lane. Be a tyrant. Don't type. Feel the game revolving around u. Juz think of ur teammates and enemies as a stepping stone.


                                                                      okay i will try your suggestion.
                                                                      my item build is like this
                                                                      than i buy boot and ring of health, next i go for battle fury
                                                                      how is it?


                                                                        Don't go quelling first item
                                                                        You probably suck at last hitting if you do, so go practice it
                                                                        You get at least 2 set of regen from the start
                                                                        Boots into RoH is okay, but sometimes I go for RoH before boots if the lane is super cancerous
                                                                        Treads before BF is braindead mandatory unless you're crushing really hard that you need BoT, you farm WAY faster with treads before BF and if you feel that boots BF farms faster than that because "quicker bf means quicker farm xd" you're probably farming very inefficiently


                                                                          I got 100lh in 10min with sf. 90lh with alch in real game. Unlike bws i got out of 1k like a rocket. Only took me 10day with memeing


                                                                            Its fine. Your rad timing is a bit slow. I suppose your team keep taking your crow or what. Cookie item build does work wonder lol


                                                                              Unlike bws i got out of 1k like a rocket. Only took me 10day with memeing

                                                                              Says the retard who can't control aggro, have lower ranked winrate than me, and lost 1v1 storm vs PA


                                                                                I was lagging and still suck at dota back then. I got out because of my superior midgame skill lul. Lower rank winrate hmm. Fed 1st 30game because i suck. I can control aggro now bitchess


                                                                                  But my statement was true so shut the fuck up :DDD


                                                                                    Fuck off I'll reach 3k faster than you by first picking a dead hero


                                                                                      i suck dota back then

                                                                                      Oh sure you didnt have 5.5+ KDA 60+ winrate on every single of your top hero back then :thinking:


                                                                                        I won


                                                                                          Ur better than me senpai. I made a mistake so punish me senpai


                                                                                            1v1 me osu n00b
                                                                                            I cen rek u with default skin mouse only


                                                                                              Guys I was chekcin my few matches in my account to my surpise I calibrated to 2.6k then got only 2.7k after that I slowly went to the abyss which I ended up to 2.1k then got back up again around 2.5k then dragged down again to 1.8k then today I climbed again to 2.5k.Lmao wtf is this.


                                                                                                I never went down lmao


                                                                                                  In my experience the SEA Trench is okay but in 2.3k-2.4k there you can encounter uncivilized group of monkeys.

                                                                                                  Solo rank>find match>all carry>gg>post match>two party sven and bs>FUCK