General Discussion

General DiscussionViper offlane is pretty fun in 1k bracket

Viper offlane is pretty fun in 1k bracket in General Discussion


    So i finally climbed to 1k mmr with offlane jakiro regarding how miserable my starting mmr is (825). Then i lose another jakiro match so i decided to make another experimental strats, it is offlane viper

    @First try@

    In this match im one lane with P-Lancer against solo Huskar. I started with max corro skin and nether toxin. The starting item is courier, a ward, tangoes, and 2 stick then Oov and phase boots cuz i maxed the skill 2 and skill 3 first. The laning phase is pretty conveient i got kill against huskar. Untill Nyx and Kunkka ruin our push attempt. I started to falling off severely i even build manta and battle fury cuz im nearly useless in every fight i aint give a shiet i better buy more wards and defend. Thx to Luna and P-Lancer they have better right click and late game potential. The game was longer than average matches

    @Getting used with this strat@

    The next match was with Wraith King against V-Spirit and S-Breaker. I improve my starting items but with same skill build by buying cour and 2 ward and also tangoes with 2 faeire fires. Then im going m-wand and p-treads. The laning phase were quite hard with S-Breaker presence. But the V-Spirit was stupid enough to try kill me while both of us low hp. She got my corrosive skin and just dead by me. The teamfight was pretty intense we often pinging S-Breaker is missing because he was so farmed than every player. Im going to be more serious about my late build so i bought manta and hurricane pike for better mana and escape tools. After carrying together with Wraith King and L-Commander, our team finally owned the game to the end along with my moderate gpm and decent xpm (at ~400 and ~600 respectively) previously was 300 gpm and also xpm.


    Offlane Viper is really toxic in early game with his corrosive skin. He is nearly unharrasable with his free poisonous blademail and bonus magic resistance. Nethertoxin make him easier to creepscoring and secue kill with ease... but in late game, this hero can only good at single target. He must choose which enemy is more worth and reachable to kill while the rest of his allies has multiple target potential to finish the rest of them...


      Viper is really toxic

      Viper is good to stomp noobs no matter where you lane him



        I even buy sentry wards to be even more toxic exdee. But his problem are multiple unit based heroes (Nessaj and P-Lancer for example).
        Blademail is a must-have but may not enough against them... and also Centaur Horseguy, more rightclick at him means a suicide u need a nuker (instant burst damage) against him.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Noooooooooooooooo, you buy Mjolnir to counter them not blademail, a Nessaj will hit you to death anyways, Pike to escape, no heroes can fight a horde of Nessaj unless AoE skilled
          And burn Centaur with toxic slowly instead of hitting him too quick, Silver Edge's Break solves the problem too


            @Cheap Laugh Guy

            Well thx for correccting... so i better pop manta and rightclick that nessaj or pl with maelstorm. I could be rifted and feed ck too much if manta wasn't bought first than another high tier items...


              Who the fuck is nessaj actually I'll be honest I get triggered by people who use dota 1 names


                Ok nvm thx google


                  b u t t e r f l y
                  i l l u s i o n h e r o e s d o n t g e t m k b y o u k n o w
                  b l o o d t h o r n c a n b e p u r g e d


                    m a n g o i s c h e a p e r t h a n c l a r i t y


                      u c a n t p u r g e u r s e l f w i t h d i f f u s a l b l a d e


                        not gonna lie, i thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. it's filled with so many wonderful nuggets



                          What do u mean 'wonderful nuggets'?


                            Try him when you want to climb that bracket it may work since Viper is a strong heroe for that bracket, also try other viper builds like Mek to Greeves, Hpike, Bmail, Manta, Butter, BKB.


                              I hate how his passive works, it should affect you only if you right click not thru spells, its broken mama.i agree he is strong as f.uck but how someone can be enjoyed by playing him idn.


                                ^corrosive haze is what makes viper good. They wont nerf it cuz he is bad


                                  ^wtf its slardar's ult. The correct one is corrosive skin.

                                  Yeah its another free blademail besides return spell. But its more toxic af


                                    ^lmao i havent played dota in so long and only watched pro games so i confused em lol thx for pointing it out


                                      Why not just play viper mid and shit on everyone


                                        ^i'm not an fully experienced midlaner... i already feel comfort while playing offlane. In midlane u must anticipate gank from 2 ways and creepscoring is harder because of the terrains at midlane... and also ward on the mid is must have i'd rather buy one for laning better and some rune control...


                                          What makes viper strong is nethertoxin and I would always get a value point in your q. I think you just get a value point in corrosive skin unless you are really worried about magic nukes. I would either max nethertoxin or your q first as a support. If you need more disable go for your q if you need more damage go for your nethertoxin. If you are playing the core role max nethertoxin first always. If your playing support or offlane your goal is going to be get tanky and hard to kill.


                                            at 1k mmr you will almost never get ganked and viper is one of the least concerned mid heroes about runes because you dont build bottle and you are to slow to warrent walking all the way for a rune.


                                              Haha rip 1k mmr


                                                Nethertoxin is nice but viper is based around being able to go on anyone and being the worst hero in the game to initiate on thanks to corrossive skin. Viper doesnt build dps, he builds hybrid dps and survivability, because he needs to complement the skin with tankiness to apy the slow to everyone, then kite the shit out of everyone. U cud replace nethertoxin with some other form of dmg passive and he is the same hero, but remove corrossive skin and he becomes smth different.


                                                  nah, more corrosive passive will make u unbeatable

                                                  Story Time

                                                    i used to play with a guy who was 1-2k mmr, and because I knew that his reaction and decision making were pretty slow, I always asked him to pick Viper (as semi carry) and we went dual-offlane. Viper is so easy and has just one button so that he got lots of kills and we usually won the game :) those were lovely NS times and still an advice for all who plays party with low mmr friends