General Discussion

General Discussionsoloing Ratting

soloing Ratting in General Discussion

    So if your team all gives up and afk's in the fountain, or they instant die in a team fight leaving you 1v5, and your like 26-4, how do you solo take full racks? I've managed to get 2 racks by soloing them then blinking out, but the thirds always hard to get with out getting permastunned to death.

    I was thinking of waiting till they leave their base to push my own and going to shop and buying 3 divines and then try to back door faster than someone can tp, or a single tp I can kill them.

    any tricks to this?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      ure not going to do it unless you're playing vs legit retards




          I've come pretty close but now adays you almost never catch a whole team without tp's. you get 5 man tped onto,

          but i think like switching to 3 divines you can do it


            It is semi impossible but u didnt give enough info, whats ur networth advantage whats ur hero whats there heroes


              The only real way to do it is if ur the highest networth in the game by far, in a situation like a farmed ass morph carrying whole team, whole team loses to enemy team, morph goes to rat, they tp, and he replicates out of whatever cuz he is so far ahead he is impossible for the enemy to kill.


                Or if the enemy team doesnt buy tp.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  then blink out

                  He's AM,he did nothing in first 20mit and he blame team hahahahaha


                    Is it still possible to solo rat on the current meta? I thought the Admiral Bulldog rat is already dead.