Everyone knows there's too many. Let's hope the amount decreases over time with the change in calibration
You have 3k builds on all your heroes, your impact is weak and you have 47% winrate. You do not belong (yet) in the 4k bracket. Good luck, keep practicing.
play mid and hope you dont end up with shit lord team who dont do shit
I auto report the living fucking shit out of anyone who picks spectre, pl, morph, rubick, or some other stupid shit
epecially spectre picks, always some ass tard 4k gets 25 minute radiance while im fucking 3v1ing mid against pudge sf earth shaker
what really gets me is how fucking retarded 4ks are, they all act like some how we can win when spectre gets a 25 minute radiance vs sven, as if 60 magic dmg reduced to 45 is gonna fuckiing win the game, cause a lvl 2 flame guard that fucking cost 5100 gold means shit at 24 minutes.
^^ y bro spec plauers are shit alaways win vs spec and lose if my allyy
btw i got fucking 3600 mmr pa who took safe on 4600 avg game i had no idea his mmr was hidden fucking shitfuck
would be nice if u linked the db pages in human language, editing address bar is not that hard
I actually for once agree with @theKatz, this weekend was fairly hellish I lost 200 mmr and in 80% of these games we'd have a core acc lvl 20-25 who clearly doesnt belong in the bracket. Tho my own performance was shitty too due to tilting.
i like how kitraks avatar is a happy and friendly garden gnome
makes a lovely contrast with him dropping shit bombs into threads
Are kidding go look at open dota there is literally more players at 4000 mmr than 2k or 3k. Atleast half of 4000 mmr accs are bought accs. Its a bunch of 2k and 3k turds who bought 4k accounts. Its literally like 75% of 4k in useast. When you get a match of 4ks on useast its possible your whole team bought acc and they are all 2k shitlords.
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Is it me who cant go more than this or there are too many acc buyers in 4k and the bracket is toxic as fuck ??????