General Discussion

General DiscussionOk time to rage

Ok time to rage in General Discussion

    My 4 lose streak

    Game 1
    Clinkz pick midd did fine had farm kills but no stun no disable so was kinda uselsss he was just literarly ksing

    Game 2
    My Ck was acc buyer or borrowed from friend he marked safe and pick ck tho pick was ok so i tho we gona win
    but after 10 mins we realise hes acc buyer and was afk

    Game 3
    OD was astraling slark from beginning and fight over farm since slark had first item sabre and difusal( no sb 30 min game)
    we did early much better and winining all and idk how the fuck i lost that but happened and was triggered af

    Game 4

    Had in team pudge with 2k games of pduge he still had 1 7 at 12 min and wanted to afk
    my rubick was farming aghanim and didnt had anyward on midd 10 mins for sure and sniper and cm tped from safe to mid to kil me
    my ubick didnt listen me to get force glimmer lotus or anything and proceeded to farm aghanim

    whast hapening ?
    i had awesome 14 5 score in ranked matches and then i get this players who dont want to play
    i understand i lose if they outplay us or something but this shit is so stupid and make me stop dota

    any tips for this shits when hapen ?
    should i quit dota for week or something

    Negative Mental Attitude

      When you play cancerous games back to back quitting for a week is probs the best choice.
      The more games i play when im on a mass loss streak, the more tilted i get, which ends up making me lose more games :D


        Deal with it... I started my streak forgetting to change server and lost 3 games in russia then i think my behavior score got down and continued to lose in eu west... 200 mmr last 8 hrs


          ^ lul u had 5k almost , feelsbadman

          no but rly i dont tolerate retard afk troll people who dont have motivation to git gud and win games and dota is full of those players so im gona make pause chill out a bit


            When i tried to turn the losing streak and switched back to eu west this one guy got mad at us all, at the first creep wave he fed fb then abandoned (edit: then everyone else dc)... Afk's are a blessing

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              tbh you should stop.. I should stop and play tomorrow too, but I wont xD


                k i will for sure chil out need fresh brain ...XD Never black down


                  its all your fault, dont blame your teammates and improve your role.


                    You just bad
                    If you keep playing you ll drop soon to 2k where you belong