1 - wards that are difficult for night stalker to deward himself by putting him out of position
2 - if you're out alone you're going to die
draft somebody tanky with teamfight against ns. Hope your team isn't trash. Put wards in high areas so if he got gem, he has to drop his own ward.
Unless your talking about at day time , Night NS Aghs gives unobstructed view so he can see high ground without the need to place a ward first.
He will iron talon away your vision and as a support, its nearly impossible to get vision back from him.
I did see one trick , you wait for NS to deward near your base, you smoke and go place another ward, you then wait for him to come running up to Iron talon it and you jump him. It was a cheeky ward bait , and worked. Haven't tried it since that game.
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1. buy ward same like another match?
2. farm your core item
3. says "gg carry blaming me no ward I FEED"
4. stick with team even when the carry farm