General Discussion

General DiscussionNew to DOTA: 1.3k MMR | Best ways to practice?

New to DOTA: 1.3k MMR | Best ways to practice? in General Discussion

    I'm a shitter looking to get at least decent in this game. I find my biggest issues are getting to mid game and not knowing quite what to do to push advantage. I have gotten flamed for building wrong items (morbid mask instead of shadow blade on Troll, buying Echo Sabre/BKB instead of crit on Sven), and for playing very carefully when the enemy team has hard initiation/stuns (SB/ES/Axe, for instance).

    I know my last hitting is trash, but usually I can make up the gold from kills/jungle farming and be ok by mid game. I have a pretty good knowledge of what every hero does, and what each item does, but I don't quite know what to buy and when to counter certain heroes on the enemy team (what stops Slark/PA, for instance). I also don't know how to carry myself when my team falls behind or repeatedly gets caught. Usually I end up getting jumped on 1v5 as my team is respawning, and then they try to force a 4v5 while I am dead.

    I find it harder and harder to sit down and play this game, knowing that every game there is a strong possibility that, even if I do well in my lane, by the time I start roaming another lane could feed and feed and I just get shut down by a 5/0 Jugg/Slark/PA, and the game snowballs into a loss.


      Try picking TorteDeLini guides :D ward counters slark but dust doesn't properly. Use magic to beat pa unless she gets bkb, but by that time you should probably build a mkb or silver edge.

      From a fellow 1.3k player...


        1. Practice last hitting. DO IT
        2. Learn how to properly punish the offlaner as a support. In 1k offlaners just come up to farm the lane like idiots so make sure you kill them every time they do that shit.
        3. Make sure you punish the enemy support whenever you play offlane. 1k supports don't know how to properly zone the offlaner so make sure that you get max advantage in your lane and translate it into ganks/getting map control.
        4. Use smokes to gank even if you're playing carry. Chances are supports aren't gonna start roaming until min 15 so its up to you.
        5. Practice Practice Practice. Being good at Dota is all about experience. You may have a basic understanding of all of the heroes, but you need to understand how they perform at min 1, min 5 etc.

        That's it!

        Edit: Opendota is another great resource for new players.

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        Impulsive 3k addict.

          1. DO NOT TAKE 1k MATCHES SERIOUSLY. Even if you drop the ball in them, understand that no team is winning because they are better. People just click on things for 50 minutes until some core gets picked and the other team wins. "Learning from your mistakes" in 1k will make you a trash player.

          2. Learn mid. Fastest lane to get mmr in. All other positions become funner to play against more competent enemies with more competent allies. Playing support in 1k actually will make you a WAY worse player. Being a good support is about timing wards/scouting smokes, knowing when to gank mid and top, picking for timing windows. All of that is thrown out of the window in 3k, wlet alone 1k. Even the basics of supporting are not meta in 1k, where it should be the position 2 that buys all the wards so they can solo push/gank.

          3. Pick heroes that will win mid and snowball. Winning mid = controlling the lasthits. Play lots of TA, tinker, shadow fiend. You want somebody that will absolutly confirm/deny lasthits mid and scale with that control well. TA can have blink treads and desolate by 18 minutes in your AVERAGE game.

          4. If the enemy has invis/shadow blade builders, consider a tanky farming mid, like ursa, jugg, underlord, alchemist. You can then tp out when they jump you (be fast). If it's a nyx/bh (tp cancels) ganking you, just build and early hood of defiance (pipe late game). Pipe is an extremely underrated tanking item on cores, sometimes it invalidates 90% of the enemy teams burst on you. Nyx autos dont do dmg so if he can't burst you, you can just auto him till he has to walk away.

          5. Farming windows and items. Understand that a few creep waves is a hero kill. Make sure you are getting lasthits from waves, and are picking heroes that confirm those lasthits. Stack jungle camps too. Clearspeed is a big deal. I just won 7 matches on ursa straight, and i'd bet it has something to do with the 20 minute net worth he can get.

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            You wont believe the amount of time i see 1k cores run across the map and waste 3 creep waves worth of gold (about 460 gold) to get a level 1 or 2 kill on an enemy roaming support

            SoleVeil #Givemeabreak

              In 1k people likely don't have such a good understanding of the game and people will do a lot of stupid stuff. Pick carries that you can carry the game with. For example PA, Wraith king. If you farm, either mid or safe, and do well, you can carry your team for you. FOCUS ON FARMING! Unless your team is fighting right beside you or you have to tp in, don't run around looking for kills. A lot of players waste large portions of the game roaming around to try to find kills, but end up accomplishing nothing and just wasting a lot of farm time. If you want to get kills, do it with wards or smoke with your team!

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              Cripple Ninja

                the tips is so wrong wtf^. if you pick farming hero with 100% teammates all pick carry u wont win as carry even if you are pseudomiracle-god-am-bf-7-min, your team will feed because fuck they only know how to farm, and force u to 1vs5, if enemy doesnt have disabler great congrats u lucky. the good tips is try snowballing(killer hero) and learn where the enemy from without ward, play pudge a lot make you have good map awareness.
                you can win with supp to BUT only with omniknight idont know why.. this hero op in low bracket

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                  You can practice w my 11yo brother , he got 2k mmr hahahahahaha , just joking around mehehehehe


                    1k is pure shit,no help if u suck at the fundementals in the game there is no hope for you.

                    i commend

                      ^Fuck you. Anybody has the right to be better at dota. It's not like you mastered the game overnight. This guy is new to the game so atleast help him and don't flame him. The first step to improving is to acknowledge that you know little about the game. Good for him for acknowledging his love to learn.


                        Read all of this. If you understand and master all of this you are 2k. You got the same number of match like me but you dont analyse your mistake in game


                          Just learn to last hit. And farm more than u fight. Play easy heroes. 1k is so super easy to get out of. U don't need much map awareness or decision making. Just be more efficient than everyone.


                            Know how to farm
                            Know where to farm
                            Know when to farm
                            Dont throw the advantage you get from your farm
                            Utilize your farm as efficient and as quick as possible