General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is ana 9k

why is ana 9k in General Discussion

    this is serious question


      why is earth round? it isn't


        hello guys ! im from 2k mmr uhhhh i mean im from reddit and im good player. what i no understand is why ana is pro player? XDDD he play so shit XD rofl! ! and then he have 9k now haha XD rofl fucking dog! i could play ebtter dota haha :)) why not try me out ?? its so unfair.


          nazi world war 2 putin cyka blyat

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              Speaking as someone who has actually played with/against Ana if you think he is outright bad you are terrible at Dota. He isn't the strongest laner but his mid-lategame play more than makes up for it. Why would OG, one of the best teams in the world who can probably get any player in the world to play with them bar maybe RTZ or Miracle, ever settle for someone they think isn't one of the best players in the world. If you think they somehow don't realize he's bad or something similar you're delusional, playing on a team with someone is probably the fastest way to expose weak players.

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                ^nah man, its just an autistic low mmr reddit meme á la "WEW HE DOESNT RAPE LANE = HE SUCKS"


                  Careful bois^ 9k matches of dota is not a waste of time. Thank god you're 5k after wasting years in this game Lmao.
                  Come on nerdy ass hoe
                  You're also the one who doesn't want to get a real job :/ thank god you have dota tho lmfao

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                      Because he won enough matches


                        Maybe coz hes good


                          xd stf.u noob pls xD


                            Positivity spreader. Damn that name and comment lol.

                            depressive kid


                              Dire Wolf

                                Ana was pretty awesome at boston dude. Did you watch any of the matches? It's been 3 months but I seem to recall Ana and W33 as the most impressive mids. Sumail wasn't bad either. Ana's invoker is really good.


                                  Lol, he's probably account buyer or Smth


                                    No way Ana got to 9k without help from miracle, I like to copy pasta miracles builds and blame team for not being good enough to understand my level of plays btw.


                                      I'm actually not familiar with why ppl think he is bad. I'm just more amazed at how come he is so good. Anyone know his background? When I heard he got chosen for OG I had no idea who he was. And now he is 9k? What's up with that. Pro teams good at spotting 9k players or what? Lol. Or my
                                      Other theory is playing in pro team just makes u a better pub player

                                      i commend

                                        Cause he has the mentality and understanding on how to win games. His play is more on efficiency and not outplaying his matchup. Just because he doesn't rape his lane, doesn't mean he shouldn't be a high MMR pro player. Plebs, please understand first what their going through before making any assumptions. His mid-late game is team-based plays so he doesn't shine so much but he's winning games because of the little plays he makes and the occasional outplaying.


                                          In that storm game where everyone flamed him no one ever flamed notail for diving retardedly deep, or jerax for missing roll which is basically what forced ana to dive t1 in the first place. People just dislike ana for some reason even tho ana failing his lane and jerax ES and notail ld were supposed to win the other lanes then make space for ana to farm and catch up in the mid to late game. In fact in that very same game ana's storm play was incredible, great mana management, great decision making and overall superb gameplay.


                                            ^ someone just watched a dota 2 bowie video

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Jacked who were wings before they were wings? They were all pub players in china before someone said hey you should all form a team.


                                                  acc buyer obviously


                                                    Ana was the second person to hit 7k in Aus and the first to do it without spamming a single broken hero AKA Lesh. Also unlike Shatan who dropped like a rock after Lesh nerfs he could have easily held it if he wanted to. He dropped out of high school after year 10 and went to China to try play Dota, he was the IG sub behind Ferrari for a long time, idk how OG found him. I asked him how he got 9k and he said he just started going apeshit in pubs, apparently he pulled an all nighter and went from 8.2 to 8.6, also said that he thinks Alchemist is still pretty broken.

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                                                      I don't think anyone doubts he is good. Obviously I have absolutely no understanding of what it takes to be pro.

                                                      How does a tier 1 team like OG pick up an unknown over other similarly high mmr pub stars? Is his talent very obvious from looking at his games (even when he wasnt 9k yet)?

                                                      Of course now his skill is proven by his mmr as well, so ppl can't say his bad.


                                                        ana sucks and og know it, but there are good news, i agreed to carrie this noob og team and kiev.
                                                        i think i will jungle with ursa all the games, but we will do good.
                                                        og.kormoranas, yeah it sounds good.


                                                          ^ are u high ?

                                                          Raj. Stop regurgitating d2bowie lmao

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                                                              He's very efficient at destroying the enemy ancient


                                                                1k solo kid or low iq player asking why 9k is 9k.

                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                  anas mediocre and d2bowie likes to talk out of his ass imo