General Discussion

General Discussionhow to out from 1,5k mmr?

how to out from 1,5k mmr? in General Discussion
AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

    lately, i choose to be supp in 1,5k mmr. but the important is i play in SEA server. u know if your team choose invoker, PA, PL, and sniper in one game, and to improve my skill i choose (only) supp. and what make i sad is this not happen at one game i play, but almost every single game.

    so, how i can get out from this shitty bracket, coz i feel very tired and bored if i always play with that carry can`t LH as well.
    am i stop to be supp, and back to my role before (semi carry, but if i doing that no vision in my map and they always blame and report me), or still in this role with shitty carry?

    ty for your comment and attention!!

    doc joferlyn simp

      Smurf to 3.5k lmaooo

      Smurf supports, or any supports are always welcome in my games.


        IDK about you but when I started playing DOTES I was usually VS or CM support and Slardar Offlane support but I was able to calibrate to 2.8k mmr, I'm probably one of the lucky ones hahaha.

        You can climb mmr by only using Supports it's possible.


          Watch pro and learn, i suggest gh god, and jerax

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            What Smurf says and don't try to let go of SUPP LYF man, we supports are actually really low in population if you compare it to insta pick carry or insta pick mid which is really a sickness in NS bracket (special mention) SEA region , don't let go man SUPP for LIFE.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Be a jungler


                Nah don't make 1-IceTea your inspiration not everyone is good at jungling while he is good at it, most players fail at POS 4 jungle and also fails to realize why they failed, that's a hard route to take ahahah.


                  I get out of 1k in 10days by spamming luna. Strat is to farm up

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    But when I first install Dota 2 I only play jungler and I calibrate around 3.3K xD


                      just play. pick slark, farm treads(aquila)shadowblade, beyondgodlike,end game


                        grab a couple of high mmr player's games and analyze them.

                        or get a coach

                        or get game-leap


                          @1-IceTea yeah and not everyone can do it like you lol. I also tried jungling you know but for some reason it put strain on other lanes so I stopped doing it, and I never said your bad.



                            Cancer Malaria

                              nah bro, its completely possible to climb out of 1k mmr by just playing support.

                              AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                yeah i think its possible too. but in my games, always have one factor or x-factor make me always fail and lose. thought from feed carry or something elsa. its hard with my skill anyway.

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  ^Don't focus on other things focus on yourself only,you can solo win with support in that bracket

                                  Play for Fun

                                    i suggest u change your role to core or mid and find your signature hero ,in 1k u dont need supp,just rext em all.

                                    note:i stuck at 1,8 - 2,1k cause sometime when in game no supp i pick supp,but now i never pick supp and my mmr now 2,7 , maybe this wont work at higher mmr but in 1k you need to do it by your self,and dont trust your team


                                      well yeah when i htink about it i would consistently get beyond godlike on lion when playing in 1-2k brackets

                                      if it works for me, it shoudl work for you as well.

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                        Pick sk, max skill 3, fuckep up enemy carry, win


                                          make smurf capibrate 3500 ez


                                            Play only 1 support choose from omni, dazzle, ogre if not possible play sf mid


                                              sk is an offlaner, not support


                                                I had 14 winstreak when I was 1.5k mainly by support, I usually avoid mainly defensive supports like dazzle and choose playmakers or roamers or supports that can push since who knows how retarded your cores can be
                                                create space for all 3 lanes
                                                dont autoattack the goddamn creepwave
                                                dont contest for farm no matter how trash your carry is
                                                dont stay around sucking xp
                                                leave lanes that are doing well and help others
                                                dont single pull easy camp unless you want to push, preferably when catapult spawn
                                                buy smoke
                                                be efficient with your farm, you wont get much space, so make the most out of it when you get the chance to enjoy some creep
                                                learn from pros


                                                  also r o t a t i o n s
                                                  you can turn around a potential death on your teammate into some kill by well timed TP
                                                  so read the goddamn map (applies to any role actually, but most importantly as support),

                                                  Селестия :3

                                                    same problem here
                                                    was playing supp all my life, but cant up my solo mmr
                                                    a few days ago i started play carry in ranked mmrs and my mmr grow up


                                                      If u want izi wins as a support just roam as pudge. U can climb as a support u just need to be more effectively skilled at supporting than u wud need to be at carrying to do it imo, cuz ur window for controlling the game is smaller unlike mid and offlane. A hero like venge, ogre, cm, r easy to learn and can have a large effect early.


                                                        U can single pull the ez camp and then chain it to the large camp btw.


                                                          improve your knowledge
                                                          abadass climbed from 2k to 4k mainly as support and he lost 1v1 to a 800 mmr guy

                                                          AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                                            I was pick some supp like' ogre, cm, Omni, rubick, enigma, and etc. But if i just spam 1 hero, in 1st and 2nd game I can handlebar, but after that losing streaming. So what's with my play?

                                                            AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                                              Oh ya and probably I need some op supp Hero to Spam and ez to changed the game, coz i think SK, enigma, rubick, ogre, cm, kotl, and Omni ia not good enough


                                                                scratch your ass twice before every single match


                                                                  Sk isnt a support. And neither is enigma. Just pick tree and u will automatically win.

                                                                  Cthulhu Dreams

                                                                    Don't fixate on support. The difference between scrub tier games (like me!) and pro games is

                                                                    A) Games take longer in scrub tiers because people are bad at capitalizing on advantages
                                                                    B) Games have lower GPM because people are generally bad at farming.
                                                                    C) Getting a lot better at last hitting and maximising your farm is actually pretty easy to do.

                                                                    So given this,

                                                                    1) you want to play heros that scale well across the game (so non scaling supports will be bad)
                                                                    2) Play heros that scale well with equipment and levels as the game is going to drag on
                                                                    3) Use the stats in dotabuff to work out what high win rate heros you could play are
                                                                    4) Your strategy should be 'whenever I don't know what I should be doing, I should be trying to farm.

                                                                    This all points to not playing a support, but if you must play a support, play abaddon. He has a 60% win rate in your bracket. He scales fairly well with items (don't do 'carry abadon' but he's pretty generally good). Altenatively, forget about playing a support and just play necrophos every game. He's again, awesome in your bracket, has good utility, and is generally a good hero. Just play Abaddon or Necrophos 100% of games.

                                                                    Then during the game focus on maximising your XP and gold via farming constantly and TP to fights.


                                                                      Is it okay to start oov and windlace on tree? Smth like oov + windlace + ward/sentry/tangoes(which u can pool to mid or smth)


                                                                        @cthulu dreams
                                                                        Idk why u think picks matter, u can climb out of 1k with any hero because everyone is dogshit. U shud just play whats fun, so u dont want to shoot urself after a nice session of ranked dotes.

                                                                        Cthulhu Dreams

                                                                          Necrophos is also my second favorite hero because he does everything well! But yeah, it's why I suggested not fixating on support. If you must fixate on support at least pick one that scales well because that will minimize your frustrations.

                                                                          DOTA sucks when you feel like you cannot impact the game, and that's a huge problem for supports with bad scaling when the game goes late IMHO.


                                                                            Just see you say omni not strong enough, i agree offensive supports and roamers very good but omni is very strong in my eyes thru all brackets,there are many strong combos which works and are ez to play even 1k,so i would definitely recommend to play him,especially in combos like omni + pa,huskar,slark...etc


                                                                              roaming pudge or spirit breaker are godly in lower MMR brackets

                                                                              Président® Salted Butter


                                                                                Play support bh. Tell your team you will roam. If they don't want to play carry or mid but don't want to buy a courier either, feel free to fill in.


                                                                                  ^EE plays bounty as a safelane carry who buys quick refresher, but i like bounty as a roaming support who goes fast divine.

                                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                    I like him as a solo support who buys battlefury


                                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                      Keep going. Learn heroes. Learn what they do. Learn counters. Learn combos.

                                                                                      Practice, Practice, Practice.

                                                                                      I started at 1.6k and climbed through many cancerous games. I was high 2k for an entire 17 months. Now I am high 3k. I was 4k in Decemeber, but fucked up a lot in past games.

                                                                                      Learn from your mistakes, practice, don't blame your team, if you rage, make sure you yell and shit, but make sure your mic is not on while you get pissed.

                                                                                      If your team does not know you are upset, it is better to just keep doing your best.

                                                                                      Watch pro games, find your playstyle. Let other people HC, that role is the easiest most boring role ever.

                                                                                      Just never give up. There will be times where you want to kill everyone around you and yourself, that is when you take a break for a few days.

                                                                                      But NEVER give up.


                                                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                        Learn to play Alchemist and spam that hero till you climb your mmr. And have patience. It takes a lot of games to climb mmr.

                                                                                        Alchemist is pretty much unstoppable on lower bracket, especially if you can rush Armlet x Rad.


                                                                                          haha recently I leave 1.5 k MMR today. pick mid carry or play as support


                                                                                            ^alchemist at 1.5k MMR ar u joking

                                                                                            Cancer Malaria

                                                                                              I once use alchemist as a support, good shit. *let the flames begin*


                                                                                                Alch isnt fair actually in lower branket its like auto win if your team dont go 0-20 in 10min. Roaming supp is the best at 1k for a supp role. It makes everyone scared of you and stay back and farm. The ultimate roaming supp is ofcourse earth spirit but the simplest and the easiest is bh and riki. They also fucked up jungle lc a lot its not even funny


                                                                                                  Pick heroes with early team fight capability. If full team is carry then try not to die and farm up what u get till late game then end with rosh and throne. Heroes like slark weaver axe jugg slardar are really good these days

                                                                                                  AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                                                                                    so, from i get conclusion from this conversation about omni, necro supp, and treant/enchantrees(?). but i still cant understand why i almost always have bad team then my enemy team lmao. and enemy team has good teamwork then my team. whats wrong with me?

                                                                                                    i know to counter their carry, and i know what item i should buy. even in my team i always richest haha, but still can not win with good supp item like guardian graves, force staff,

                                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                      And if u see Alche in their team in this bracket just pick SK, skill passive and go wherever he goes. Tap creeps, burrow and kill him until he goes to jungle. Then go find him there and do it again.

                                                                                                      Pretty funny but actually effective.


                                                                                                        may I close page one....