General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Dota drinking game!

Your Dota drinking game! in General Discussion

    If you had to make a dota drinking game with friends what weird rules would you think up?

    For exemple:

    General rules:
    -Feed and drink: Every time someone die he has to drink one finger
    -RAMPAGE: First player killed drinks 1 finger, 2nd player drinks 2 finger,...

    Special rules:
    - Flaming time: At the end of a match the loosing players can report eachother, 1 finger per repport
    - Sniping Courrier: Each time you snipe the courrier, the whole enemy team have to down their drink

    Heroes rules:
    - I meant to do that: Everytime pudge miss a hook, he drinks
    - Divided we drink: Everytime you die, drink as many fingers as you have meepo

    So, if you have any idea of rules (especially hero rules) write it here!

    ps: Alcohol and Dota are bad for health, drink and play in moderation :p


      this would kill you by the end of an avg match


        drink when you miss a cs

        simple but brilliant


          every сука in all chat = 1 shot, every missed cs = 1 shot, every kill = 1 shot, every death = 1 shot, every cs = 1 shot, every tower = 1 shot, every op hero = 1 shot, every win = 1 shot, every roshan = 1 shot, every aegis = 1 shot, every buyback = 1 shot, every > Well played! = 1 shot, every all chat ? = 1 shot


            LOL you're gonna pass out after the game hahaha, I believe the minimum shot you'll have to take is atleast 50 hahaha

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              drink when you miss a cs -> miss more cs while you drink -> ?????


                Yeah a real dota drinking game might need to be a little more balanced :p

                Let's add a massive nerf patch: new mixture for the shot: 95% soft drink, 5% alcoholic drink


                  how about just using a couple of the rules at ones, instead of all of them? :P


                    im muslim how dare you im insulted


                      thats so fucing good should try that



                        worry not! For those that want to play this wonderfull drinking game but can't drink alcohol I have found a special rule!

                        The harissa drinking dota game! You just need to add any kind of spicy things in your soft drink and you're ready to go!

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          Drink every time someone says gebak


                            Quit drinking a year ago(ironically enough, I drank when I was a Muslim but I don't now that I'm not) so I have a simple "smoking game" for Dota which goes a little something like this:

                            Step 1 - Smoke a J
                            Step 2 - Play dota.
                            Step 3 - There isn't one.