good team with him too. and despite all those wins his party mmr is still way behind his solo one. so he has been in league with players below his skills
Even when I stack, we usually do well but the other team does better. Idk man
That fucker rarely loses lol
5 man stacking is a great way to artificially improve your winrate, if you actually care about that. My account was 52% just 2 months ago.
Personally, I gave up on unknown idiots. I prefer to play with my idiots.
I think this might be one of MMR booster account.
If you jump to more than his records for years ago (like 2014 or 2013) you could find that he always played solo party, but always had the same 2-3 teammates.
They used some tricks (for example, search for the same uncommon language) to have much higher priority in the matchmaking system to be put on the same side. Then the game becomes 3-party or 4-party vs 5 solo guys. EZ win.
you can see in the year of 2014 (around the 100th page in his game history), these guys:,, played with them a lot.
If you filter his history to only view ranked matchmaking, this pattern is even more obvious in page 5, around 9 or 10 months ago, solo party, same teammates, short time each game, with this guy: and this guy
Seems some of these accounts have been sold (these studios either got paid by helping others' accounts increase mmr, or create new accounts and get high mmr before selling them), as they start to play in 'normal' pattern these days.
it's very bad experience for their opponent, as these mmr boosters are usually 2-3k higher than the accounts they play (and they are actually sitting next to each other even though they didn't party and search). You tell me, isn't it ez for a 3-stack 6k party (plus 2 4k solo players) to beat 5 4k solo players?
it just china things
so many china player do 5stack normal games and stomping the games
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How is this even possible... 6k games with that winrate