General Discussion

General DiscussionCalling upon the offlane gods

Calling upon the offlane gods in General Discussion

    Is it feasible for one to spam nightstalker/beast/brew in offlane ?


      Either one just throwing out the hero I desire to play!!


        Define "feasible"


          I mean, you can look up dotabuff guides and see for yourself that they are usually played in offlane

          disgusting weebs



              beastmaster is the only actually pllayable offlanne hero out of these three, but atm hes fucking awful


                there r offlaners that do almost the same thing as those heroes without being complicated (cent sk nyx underlord slard) so if ur not that good yet ur better off using those, u wont be able to use their skill cap cuz ur skill is too low anyway (same reason hwy i dont use em)


                  How can you have 1-1-2 on void in a 34 min game btw


                    they left the game man


                      Go spam Nightstalker he's good, just buy this early items Phase boots, Urn of Shadows, Magic wand/Infused Raindrops, and AGHS.

                      Also always gank when its nighttime don't AFK farm on your lane when its nighttime especially the firs night when your lvl 3/4 and don't forget to rush AGHS its important seriously. This coming from someone who had 18 win streak with Balanar ^^.

                      You could also use Slardar, Nyx, SK, Centaur they're also good.

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                        ^i get aghs after phase urn but u need some dmg before it imo. Maybe echo sabre or armlet or smth, helm maybe?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Echo Sabre is a shit item on Nightstalker, he already attacks very fast during the night time. The only conceivable purpose for the item is for farming, and pos 3 Nightstalker is dead roaming pos 4 played like Slardar is the best way to play him right now. Armlet is a good choice allows you to tank damage for team and dive towers with sick toggling. Helm sounds nice if no one else is getting it, if someone is getting it maybe Vlads?

                          If you don't get Gem on Aghs Nightstalker you're just wasting its potential imo. Even if there's only one SB or invis hero, seeing wards from a mile away is invaluable. Especially when surprise is your best factor as a Nightstalker.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            OoV for early stages of the game, Medallion into Solar if you've got a TA SF or some other -armor. I've seen high MMR roamers buy Bottle and steal Runes.

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                              @Daddy Ummmm no you don't need damage since its not like your gonna solo dive the enemies all you need is sustain, when you gank don't go solo that's bad, I never needed damage items on my Balanar after I completed those early items, I just go either Shadow Blade to silver edge or Heveans Halberd and then build BKB.

                              And Position 3 Balanar is not dead yet I can assure you that, being in posistion 3 makes your AGHS much more faster like 16/18 min depends if you owned enemies while you ganked at nighttime.

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                                zeus is here