General Discussion

General DiscussionCan i become pro player?

Can i become pro player? in General Discussion
Practice Makes Perfect

    Hello , for be fast , im such a dedicated dota2 player , i play since 2014 , calibrated
    0.2k climbed to 4.3 whit 4.5k hours , my best role is midlaner , i even won mids against7k players .. whateva

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      Ghastly Wail

        ^ said it all

        casual gamer

          .. whateva


            most of your mid heroes have under 50% wr, that sounds very pro...


              not a fucking chance


                of course
                4k is the requirement to be pro, just call up OG I'm sure they'll give you a spot


                  4.3K on 4500 hours?

                  what the fuck its fucking sad

                  845hours and i'm 3590 MMR

                  and no you won't be pro player on 4K bracket. maybe 6K or 7K semi-pro? i don't know.

                  Need help of a high MMR player around here.

                  W inner

                    no non on on o no no no no no no o no n on o no n n on o no no no no no n on o no no n on o no n n on on on o no n no no no n o n no


                      Im 700 mmr on 1100 hours.


                        Tho i never claim to be some mmr god like u 3k overlord. Can i worship u now?

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                          daddy y dont u play


                            don't worry dude you can be a pro player just work on it it doesn't matter your mmr so chill out


                              He can't
                              Strict parents

                              AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                u can be pro players if navi kick out dendi, GLHF


                                  .. whateva


                                    Who did you win vs 7k player?


                                      Inb4 kitrak


                                        4.3k after 4.5k hours is not impressive at all, unless you can play 48 hours a day I doubt you'll get into the scene any time soon


                                          who are we to judge whether you can be a pro or not? ,, make your own team and try finding it out yourself

                                          CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                            who are we to judge whether you can be a pro or not? ,, make your own team and try finding it out yourself


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                                                almost any 4k+ player can be pro player because individual skill is almost equal to 8k (f.e how can 8k zeus be way better than 4k) the difference makes just decision making in game


                                                  I'm not suprised to see this from a N O R M A L S K I L L player.

                                                  No. Even if u're 6k or 7k, chances of becoming pro are slim.

                                                  Practice Makes Perfect

                                                    I calibrated at 0.2k mmr , becoz i were total begginer , so i had to do all that road to reach 4.3k.
                                                    Actually its funny hear those 7k players saying no , you think you are god? i can make it also whit some time.
                                                    Im actually just 17 so i have hope to do so, thanks for those few giving hope comments , all others are just pure hate , no idea why.


                                                      Im from 1.2k at october and 2.7 now
                                                      Less than 500 hour. Everyone can became pros. But i think u gonna be more harder way than me


                                                        Theres that old rule that if you cant get better than 90% of people at something with little to no effort then you prolly cant become one of the best at it.


                                                          But going from 0,2k to 4,3k is actually impressive, although it took you a rlly long time.

                                                          Maybe if u find out how to improve fast u can be an actual high mmr player - then u can think of going competitive.

                                                          My 2 cents


                                                            im one of the best already but my team is keeping me back, help ???

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Spend another 4k hours into the game and see if you are 6k, 7k by then. And then you will be able to...

                                                              realize that you spend years on a game when you could have spent those thousands of hours to try and succeed at life for the sake of your bloodline and make your family proud.


                                                                Spend 4k hours doing sth useful and that can earn you money, cause thats what matters at the end.

                                                                If you want a game go play poker, if ure smart you can become a winner in micro/low stakes with a few hundred hours of study + playing. Playing live poker in a tournament setting also is very fun

                                                                Dota is fun but dont try to make it more than a hobby/pasttime, ur chances are very very slim, esp at 2017 when there are so many good players (id go as far as saying the scene is inflated with rlly good players), find something else


                                                                  It's a yes for me.


                                                                    What a joke 4.5k in 4.7 k hours gaga i am 5 k in 2000 hours


                                                                      Well you can become a pro player if you reach 7k mmr and also improve your kda.


                                                                        u should starr be more serious cause u have 4k games and have low 4 k mmr :(

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          rofl thread

                                                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                                                            You should not posting article or something like that on dotabuff forum. Most of people here, they think they are the best. Basically, they cant listen.

                                                                            Do you know why ? You think whos playing dota2 ? Most is Kids ! So, please dont.

                                                                            If you want to go Pro, you must have a team, person who really understand together. Dota is teamwork, not single player.

                                                                            That is all. Done !

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                            Player 404335202

                                                                              ^ nice answer lanto sir


                                                                                ^no dont listen to lanto he thinks everyone is retarded when he is in fact more retarded than cuck and roll and even blunt. He is basically so deep in dunning kruger that there is no saving him. I guarentee u that u wont go pro because u r simply not good enough and no amount of cheerleading is going to make u better. U wud have to commit and ungodly amount of time to commit urself to being pro and even then ur chances r very slim. It is possible technically but the chances r basically approaching zero and it has an enormous opportunity cost.
                                                                                Tldr dont listen to lanto and if u become a pro i will actually eat my own shit


                                                                                  @OP : Ur mo# has more chances of becoming a #hore!!


                                                                                    I have 900 hours started playing late 2015 grinded from 900-2900 in both party and solo in less than a year time. You can go pro if you set your mind to it. For a mid player though you'll need 7k+ to break into any team. Your best chances are creating your own team. You can do whatever u set your mind to.

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                                                                                    Player 153433446

                                                                                      Get to 6k 7k...find guys like you..make team...improve every game.
                                                                                      Like play a game and have the idea in mind that you want to improve and play as good as possible because total hours dont count.

                                                                                      Perfect practice makes perfect

                                                                                      The DarKNovA

                                                                                        Becoming a pro player mainly won't come from getting high MMR and getting scooped.
                                                                                        Be good enough for at least some talented people to want you in the team, join in and go participate in tournaments.
                                                                                        You better have 6-8 hours of free time each day at least though.


                                                                                          This kid is 4k at 4500 hours and is 17, if he wud put the insane amt of time in to be good enough to get noticed its still a really low chance at the cost of wasting time when ur young to set urself up as an adult in a career path where the prospective chance of making any money at all isnt microscopic. U cant do anything u set ur mind to, this is real life not some fairy tale land naruto lookin ass bullshit world, every action has a reaction and there is risk in everything, but some more than other. If u aim to go pro there is a huge risk of failing and a huge reaction of time wasted where u cud put it into things like working in small jobs or college studying etc that has much much less risk involved and that doesnt have much opposite reaction.

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                                                                                            Arek Akashi

                                                                                              Not sure if you can become pro since I don't rly know the requirements, but I think you can reach 6k , if you watch replays-practice-improve 8 hours/day


                                                                                                Hello , I am professinoal 3K player. I have won over $999.999.999.999.999 in my career. I got to 9k first , even before RTZ but I decided to let him have the glory so I deleted my MMR and hacked Dotabuff in order to give my account the look of a 3k player.

                                                                                                On a serious note .......................... " i even won mids against7k players .. whateva "

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  Honestly though the odds is like 99.99999% and 0.000001% so if you can somehow someway get to play in a lan where you play against t1 team like eg liquid and you won you gonna be pro player pretty soon


                                                                                                    Yea. Just spam pro players stream until they notice u


                                                                                                      i even won TI 10 times... whateva


                                                                                                        Yeah, unlikely but there is a chance. A lot of the kids on this forum are not the brightest.
                                                                                                        Dota will be here for a long time, so you have time to improve, however, with that being said of course there will be others doing the exact same you'll be doing. Start out small and try to grow into a bigger team. But expect to give your life to dota