General Discussion

General Discussionsaw a 7k account buyer in team, then this happen

saw a 7k account buyer in team, then this happen in General Discussion

    this guy, freshly bought his 7k account, and proceeded to have 34% winrate in 7.02, and now sitting at 6.6k mmr.

    some guy asked why his ld so shiet last game, and i went to check his dotabuff, rofl.

    few mins later, game not counted, thank god, someone in my team saved my ass, they know how to make the game "SAFE TO LEAVE AND NOT COUNTED".


      Careful skim says these threads are bad or whatever bs dotabuff has and will lock the thread glhf




          Lmao, nice catch..


            Was it a ddos or sacrificial abandon?

            basement :)

              He stopped playing for 3 months and returned. Obviously he would be bad.


                Based on region. Does look like an acct buyer.

                1 MMR SOLO

                  One serious question here . How do u check someone's dotabuff when u are in a game?