General Discussion

General DiscussionLosing, but I don't know why

Losing, but I don't know why in General Discussion
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    So, for some reason I am losing ranked at 4k despite the fact that I am the best player.

    My teammates are all dogshit shitstains.

    Can you make a thorough analysis of my ranked to games to tell me what am I doing wrong?

    I am doing all my best to carry games, but my team constantly holds me back.


      My analysis is that you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

      The Medic Guy

        is this joke?
        dagon am? lol


          You're actually putting people who couldn't calibrate at 4k after smurfing shame XD

          мне похуй на игру

            I am trying my best in ranked, always tryharding.

            Testing out various autowin strategies and psychological techniques.

            The team is ALWAYS garbage.



              1-IceTea 🌟

                You have midas as your most common item and it build in 10mit why can I say? xD

                мне похуй на игру

                  Because my team constantly holds me back.

                  The Medic Guy

                    holyshiet are you on of the The Great CLQ disciple?

                    monk, tibetan

                      i thought am atos was the meta??


                        It is
                        People are just too narrow minded and blindly follows pro build which is refresher rush


                          Obvious troll. Lmao dat winrate


                            Just go Riki with E-blade, Dagon and Shadow Blade. Seriously easy win. After Dagon 5, just get refresher and you can kill 2 instantly.


                              kotl 1-5
                              axe 0-17
                              silencer 0-21

                              best player in team? i didint eve check, but what are scores of your teammates then? :D


                                Have you tried protecting the ancient


                                  lul ur shit if u feel to 3k almost
                                  u were proly 4200 or higher

                                  ok since ur almost 3k and 3ks are trash start play carrys
                                  when uget more than 4k flat start play suport if there are allrdy 3 midd mark heroes
                                  i usually suport when i see 1k games voker guy and 2 k games Ls even tho im better than them i just let cause they like to play