General Discussion

General DiscussionMental Roadblock

Mental Roadblock in General Discussion

    I had taken a break from Dota for a long while. Tried a few new games, did this and that. Yet I found myself back at Dota.

    As you can see my return has improved my play. I took some time and realigned my perspective, and I broke a personal goal of mine (get 60% overall winrate). And with this I began playing ranked. I was tired of not knowing what MMR I was. And I still don't. In game it says 3.2k but I haven't lost a game since 2.8k so I don't think I'm at my 'true' MMR yet. Climbing isn't an issue, I always get my position (Support) and I enjoy playing overall.

    If I'm in a game, I'm all in, full attention. But when I'm finding a game or I'm just hovering over find match something mentally stops me. I don't think it's stress, I'm not sure what it is at all. It's what causes me to play so little, but play everyday. I have time to play another game but sometimes I just cannot press Find match. I'm not exactly sure as to why I have troubles doing it. Don't get me wrong, i think playing is fun and I feel accomplished when we win. And I even feel satisfied when we lose (granted I/we gave it my/our all).

    Not sure why I made this Discussion. Maybe I just needed to write this down and read it back. Maybe reading it might help someone look at themselves critically.

    Maybe I wanted someone to help guide me. I'm just not sure.

    Player 404335202

      I feel u dude ...


        Fear to lose mmr


          this game requires too much thinking. Don't overthink it it's just you being tired. and also the new teammates every round is also an issue. play with friends and your stamina will increase by tons...

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            You seems legit also nice WR, i can feel with you dota is going to be booring for me slowly, also many times after one game i gave up, i like all the patches but i think i need a bigger change as talets are, some new mode in ranked would be best propably,sorted carry mid support offlaners or something like that, the worst on dota is you never know what game is going to be so many times its all fucked up from picking stage, lately i have much more bad games that good ones, i not mean exactly winning loosing, also more and more account buyers, ppl with high mmr going to have fun with low mmr friends etc...i love dota and always will but just feel weird about that, also i dont like when someone says this patch have no meta or stuff like that, hero with new talents become very unbalanced, or why i see every game weaver, patch before necro so unbelievable overpowered such a long time before icefrog realized that or i dont know, this is very enoying, now tards will come to say weaver is not overpowered, he is definitely stronger than most heroes in game, also why they gave scepter to AM which is farming carry if he get freefarm he win a game anyway, this make him just much more enoying to play agaist nothing else

            The Medic Guy

              you are fear to lose, just like me

              what hold me back is, before i play, i know i'm gonna lose.

              or simply you can say, i have a trust issue with random carry player out there

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                thats why u and this seatards will never go more
                cause u fear

                me when i was 2k i ws fucking angry cause i cousnt get out wasnt frigtened
                then i discovered tinker and naga




                    Try to play rank with friends, party mmr wont matter

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      U are afraid next game gonna be a bad game and make your day/night worse,afraid it will haunt you when you sleep :smile:

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                      Hide The Pain - Herald

                        What i do is have two accounts, both currently sitting at 4.8k then i climb slowly in blocks of 200 mmr. Helps to reduce my mmr anxiety i guess.


                          keep going enjoy dota^^


                            @A fair Representation, nice timbersaw


                              i dont give a fuck about mmr, thats how you reach high mmr

                              all i fucking care is whether i rape kids in ranked


                                "Dota is best enjoyed with friends"