General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth it to harass people with razes in mid with SF

Is it worth it to harass people with razes in mid with SF in General Discussion

    I mean your autoattacks are quite a lot of damage already, maybe you raze and get a cs but is it worth throwing out a level 3-4 raze to harass them?


      I mean if u raze just to harass, seems like a waste when u can raze for lh and harass.

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          @kr give me an example, is it for heroes that you can't trade hits with e.g alacrity invoker viper and qop or something?
          EDIT: Or far raze to get sniper out of lane

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            Also if you're dominating a lane should you push the wave with razes and farm jungle or stay and get all the denies and cs


              I'd do it if i know i can get a kill opportunity/force him out of lane/get a cs+raze hit on him

              Also if you're dominating a lane should you push the wave with razes and farm jungle or stay and get all the denies and cs

              if opponents in lane go jungle, if noone in lane go push tower, either way always clear wave with 1 or 2 razes then go do something else


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                the realm's delight



                    sure.. heroes like Skywrath (not popular mid right now), qop, tinker, and puck most probably will harass u out of the lane if u let then get so much levels passively

                    also the best is to LH-harass at the same time


                      You should prioritise on last-hitting with Raze. If the enemy is near the creep you wishes to raze, then that is a bonus.


                        it's pretty much a rule of thumb for any hero midlane with a clear wave nuke

                        that you spend your nukes to either get 1+ cs and harass the opponent OR if you can kill him

                        BSJ. LGD

                          how else are you gonna set up kills if u dont harras with razes