General Discussion

General DiscussionWON game with 1-26 INTENTIONAL FEEDER on team and some final thoughts...

WON game with 1-26 INTENTIONAL FEEDER on team and some final thoughts before QUITTING FOREVER in General Discussion

    Well guys i want to discuss seriously about the impact of dota in our lives. It certainly has cost me a lot, i became antisocial and fat and now trying to make a comeback in life, i was 120kg in summer 2015 and down to 96 as of now. The problem began when i started drinking hells, eating junk food and staying up all night long 5 years in a row. You have to have discipline in your life and control your temper at all times in order to evolve as a human and make the other around you happy. I am glad because i've lived some great moments in my local netcafe and met a bunch of guys but i'm 25 years old now and some cousins have already started getting engaged and settle in long-term relationships. My parents are getting weak, old and sick and i'm barely managing to take care of myself alone. I don't know what i'm gonna do if things get worse so i have seriously considered to get into a rehabilitation center and cut it off but i believe it would be better if i manage to do it myself. Still 3 times a week going to the gym and early to the bed might do the trick instead of receiving a treatment with medicine that can potentially mess up with my brain, since i'm at such a young age. I'm also a Christian (i know that most in here are not fond of religion) and i really want to start helping other people in my life, give courage and hope and stop being egoist and greedy. I won't lie to you guys, withdrawal syndrome will hit me at some point and if i attempt to play again i might need to give away this account. Giving up dota is a long term fight with your inner demons and it will never end, you have to stay true to your cause and vigilant at all times through your life...

    I want to say that i love you all and we need to bury our past and start moving forward into the new age. Please feel free to share your thoughts about the future moment that you will decide to quit forever. How hard do you think it will be to cut off from this amazing, virtual world?

    Be happy and be blessed,

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      its jsut that youi are a fuckboy
      it doesnt mean everyone else is


        I wish you all the best in your life even though I don't know you neither do you know me but we are fellow dota players so it is sad when someone leaving but at one point some of us will leave too including me for many reasons so what I can say is good luck further!


          ez weaver


            That's the same commitment I took after quitting LoL forever but now look at me , hooked with another shit-ass game called Dota2. :cry: :cry:


              Hello Oykman,
              I don't know you but I wish you good luck in the real life. Helping other is a good thing but don't forget to take care of yourself and your family first ;)

              For me dota is just an hobby. I will quit it forever when I'll find a better hobby.

              white boy summer

                well, it is propably that you cannot control yourself or you dont have a stable daily schelude, you dont get fat cause playing, you get fat (as u mentioned) eating too much junk. you can maintain your body by working out 1 hour a day, which is not long. btw good luck in life, not mocking you for quitting but dont blame everything on games


                  No hes right. He become fat because of he cannot control playing games so hes too lazy to go out. Some ppl cannot control themself for playing dota. But in reality some of us managed to fight the tempt of playing dota all day. For me i limit myself to play once a day if i have time and on friday night i will stay until 1-2o clock to play some games. Despite all of that, goodluck and congrats you can stop yourself from playing dota
                  One last thing, may the meme be with u


                    I wish it was that easy just to quit




                        My internet has forced me to quit dota


                          Please mate don't ruin our team spirit and remember dota is just a game and mmr was made so that all people can enjoy playing in their own skill level. After all mmr is just number, it means nothing to someone who is not a gamer. It doesn't tell you how good you are in life and if you are gonna be happy or not. He might be 1k in dota and Nikola Tesla in real life, how would you know? And in relation to the population of all other games we are nothing but a few thousand people, who play dota since we were kids, among billions of people. So no need to insult each other, we already belong to "extinct species".

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                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Can we bookmark your profile like a surveillance if you play again?


                              Shouldn't be a problem if you can control yourself
                              The thing is, I can't, now I'm just a fat talentless beta jerk without any life skills trying to fix this problem, you might see my profile and go "nah man 3 hours a day aint much" but seriously 3 hours is A LOT compared to the amount of free time I have


                                Please do, i am also seriously thinking to pay real mobsters to beat me up so that i can stay motivated and go to the gym. I'm not even kidding, i just want so bad to make this change in my life and go from fat to fit once again. :)

                                Bloodseeker-dagon and barathrum, i will miss them a lot. ;_)

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                                  good god, 168 times left


                                    Gl i guess do what u gotta do. No need to make it a big deal, its possible to stay healthy and play dota, but if u cant help urself then by all means dont play. Life > dota.


                                      Dota isn't source of your problems, it's you, don't blame wrong thing xD

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                                        ^ ye its his lack of self control, i wud agree, but if he has to do it, then he has to do it.


                                          If a dude lack self control quitting is necessary


                                            Well not necessary but highly suggested


                                              Why is it so hard for people to go to the gym

                                              casual gamer

                                                or just alternate walking and running and increase slowly

                                                being unhealthy feels awful, getting back into exercise feels like you are dying during it but then it feels good later


                                                  Just get a gym membership. Me and my girl go 3-4 times a week. But it's not hard to go by yourself. Don't do some bullshit walk or something. Go to a legit gym and put in work.


                                                    Isn't physical fitness also makes your gaming performance better too? Pretty sure I played CSGO way better when I was only 70 kg compared to now


                                                      he'll be back


                                                        Valve would not approve of this thread.


                                                          You can contact me at
                                                          While I can't respond to all of them, I do read all of them


                                                            Hello, it's Cheese here. Let me give you some friendly advice from one fellow man to another.

                                                            1.) You need to have a specific goal. Make yourself a schedule and write down your specific aims and goals for both the long term and short term. For example:

                                                            Good example of a long-term goal - To be able to make 100,000 dollars by the year 2027 to help support my parents through their retirement.
                                                            Bad example of a long-term goal - To help my parents more

                                                            It needs to be as specific as possible otherwise you will find yourself being aimless and unfulfilled.

                                                            2.) Your goal needs to be fulfilling and enjoyable. If you find it being more of a chore than something you are passionate about or enjoying or feel bored or stressed about it, you will go back to playing Dota.

                                                            3.) Make yourself a daily and weekly schedule. Having each day and week mapped and planned out will make it easier to stick to it.

                                                            4.) Spend as much time around people as possible. If you don't like meeting more people, try building a better relationship with and spending more time with people you already know and love.

                                                            5.) Talk to people in real life about your problem, plans and goals. You will feel relieved after you do this and it is nice having that direct support.

                                                            6.) Avoid other people who are into playing Dota. They will talk about it and you will feel that trigger in your mind and old thoughts that will tempt you to go back.

                                                            7.) I wouldn't worry about what others are doing and if they are married/single etc. Focus on improving yourself and doing what you need to do and everything will fall into place.

                                                            8.) You will need to find a hobby for something you can enjoy when you actually do have free time. You need to keep busy and not let your mind wander around and you cannot let yourself get bored. Your hobby should be relaxing and enjoyable and again it should not feel like a chore or something you are forcing yourself to do. Otherwise, you will go back to playing Dota.

                                                            If you need anyone to just talk you, just let me know.




                                                              I ran 13 miles this morning.


                                                                I run 1-2 miles 4-5 times a week. (My knee can't handle super long distance), lift 4 times a week and play soccer twice a week. Only takes up about an hour of time per day. You just gotta find a balance it's not the fault of dota.


                                                                  I train for long distance, but there was this kid, fat as hell, joined the cross country team in the summer. He isnt skinny by any means but he lost a considerable amt of weight and is doing great for himself, and we workout for only 1.5-2 hrs a day. It just takes commitment, and it becomes much much easier if u do it with other people. Find a friend or buddy who u know will holdu accountable of reaching ur daily goals and u can do it. But if u cant control urself from doto u rnt strong enough to change ur own life so u need someone else to help and push u.


                                                                    Hey, I'm a dota addict too. The one thing I found when I was able to leave dota for extended periods of time was that I would go to youtube and watch Singsing streams. DON'T DO THIS if you want to stay away from dota. Watching the streams gave me an insane desire to come back and I was unable to control myself, and would reinstall dota and start playing again.

                                                                    In fact, I've done this so many times over the past 2 years, that I can now say I undergo these "cycles" - intense, non-stop dota for weeks, and then letting it go for some weeks (but with the intention of leaving it forever) and in the end always ending up coming back due to watching the game on youtube.

                                                                    Since I can't do anything about youtube, I figure there is one permanent solution to this; selling my account away forever. In fact, guys please do go over my account and if anyone is interested, I'll sell it cheap to them. Has about 20$ worth of cosmetics in it, great stats, but the downside is that its a normal skill account


                                                                      Greetings dear friend. What helped me decrease the amount of time spent on my pc was a tablet. Tablet is so good cause you can safely put it on the bedside table when you are drowsy. Watching some movies, listening to music, a gym membership and occassional house cleaning can really keep you busy.

                                                                      white boy summer

                                                                        y'all just gotta admit that u are lazy. dota is not even addictive compared to its counterparts (lol, where u are addicted cause u want to get em all champs and WoW) house cleaning is like half an hour, going to gym or working out in the park is another hour, so that means 1,5. if you work 8 hours a day you get home at 4 (or 5 if you go to work at 9 am) doing all these and it's 6 pm. you have like 4 hour to do shit if you wanna go to bed early


                                                                          I Personaly know the guy in real life , hes an old good friend and brother i met arround 10 years ago in our local net cafe, and we still hang out ( not too much ) since we got our general things to focus in college, life, etc. we had some discusions since he came in my home and we had great and fun time with our other friends, i personaly believe in him and hes strong enough to make the big comeback in his life and make us ( his friends) and his family happy!
                                                                          i knew that he was gonna try it himself no meditation or such shit needed , i believe in you black!
                                                                          one love <3