Hex costs more and aghs increases hp. Aghs ulti goes thru bkb and works better against magic resist like pipe and shit.
The scenario is, you have the standard Lina build, Euls Aether and Aghs (talent 1121/2121)
it's around 25 mins when you get your Aghs,
you cast Aghs ulti on the BKBed carry, lets say PA
A teamfight is starting
PA's got like 1200 HP by the moment
PIIIINNNNGGG you take away 950 HP from PA, leaving 250 HP (spell amp included)
Now here's the problem
PA is still spell immune for 4 seconds or more, she's still a living threat in the fight. You still need 7 or 8 auto-attacks of your carry on PA to kill her, but she blink around and can't be hold down. She blinks into you or other support, crits kills leaving a quick 4v5 disadvantage then proceed to win the fight
And it gets much worse later in game as everyone gets more HP
You might as well use the ulti on a support but then you bought the Aghs just for the pure damage translation, why not veil instead
Because aghs goes through bkb and veil doesnt. Pure dmg ignores magic resist and veil has to power through it. Aghs gives hp, and veil doesnt. Aghs has a great build up. Ur midlaner (ember or qop) will many times build it themselves. Plus if pa has 250 hp and ur carry cant kill her then that doesnt make aghs bad it makes ur carry underfarmed. The amount of burst with high uptime is tbh the only redeeming quality, cuz she can actually win fights by just evaporating a hero before the fight starts. Ideally it shud be a mobility item or aether lens in between euls and aghs. Aghs isnt that good on lina early but at lvl 3 laguna blade its very good.
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It's shit, why not get a hex instead?