Dafuq man. Just build pike and when she blink on you pike her. And when i spam luna i made a decision after manta which is bkb or butter
I will give you more example. You go pike early if you get caught by pa a lot. And if you are tinker and you are facing a lot of physical damage get ghost specter.
spam ur best hero with ur best build and win
most hero counters aren't death sentence to u and dont even force u to change ur playstyle
pa doesnt counter ld neither requires u to get anything specific except for a higher likelihood of mkb/bloodthrone
If you look at advantage chart for LD there is a clear theme. He is weak against slow and anti mobility(his escape depends on that), very long attack or spell range, gap closing and burst damage(he is somewhat squishy).
You should know better.
It's your comfortable "win" hero, it would make sense that you knew better what to do by yourself.
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I'm gonna give you an example. My most comfortable hero is LD. I see a PA enemy pick. Should I forget LD pick because PA is a solid counter or pick LD and go first major item manta or linken or BKB to avoid PA slows?