press ultimate and tp asap when u get ruptured. one of the best counters to slark.
only thing u can do gainst the passive is the ultimate.
never tried bottle against bs but i think its a waste. ultimate + stick should be enough to get out of the passive threshold
The shrines slow him down too
Get Euls Scepter on bloodseeker, Rupture the slark and if he want to TP you euls him and bloodrite. Every slark I played against pounce when I rupture them then its just too late.
^ dude u have 44% wr on bs :)..
how u want to eul an ultied slark? bs is my main hero and good slark players dont pounce after they get ruptured. they immediately ulti + tp and eat the blood rite. late game slark shits on bs anyway like all heroes do
Yeah i have a terrible win rate with him which he always falls off late game. Early game he is very strong which I like and I recently tried new things with him like euls, hurricane pike.
^ dude it depends on the player. You cant always build euls against him everyone has a brain. Sorry bad english not my language lul
Yes salve is good option. I thought of bottle because I can bottle runes as well as get some mana regeneration. But salve can be a decent and cheap alt
Wait. I'm sorry I made it all look wrong. I'm talking as surviving against bs as slark player lol. Bs counters slark really bad in early game. Delays his farm and all. I think you took it otherwise. Sorry for not making it clear lol
level 1 bloodseeker ult does like no damage, just get salves and run away
or get a tp and teleport away
or just use your ult while his passive is on you and you'll get the regen
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How do you deal with his passive.
Is bottle a good idea early/mid game?