General Discussion

General Discussionis behaviour score more important than mmr?

is behaviour score more important than mmr? in General Discussion

    when it comes to quality of games. and by mmr i mean +- 500.

    casual gamer



        Quality of games is shit almost everywhere.

        I've been from lower 2k to upper 4k and all that's changed is that people learned to split-push, use smokes, go as 5 when needed, don't build insane items, overall mechanical skill.

        If that's what you mean by quality, when it depends on the rating, sure.

        However, all people are just as toxic as on 2k, except they also have tremedous egos, 5ks especially. They intentionally feed sometimes, throw games, it is literally on the same level.

        So yea, mechanical skill improves; the morale, quality of team communication, etc. doesn't improve anywhere.


          I would say that in my exp. similar to what Admiral has stated with the exception that mid range 3K's were probably the most toxic and easily tilted.

          2Ks usually understand they are shitty, 4K's got to 4K because they can play some heros will and understand concepts.
          3K's it was basically down to which team had the most toxic tilted person. You make them tilt, you win.

          Smoke gank mid SF twice? He runs down mid with couriers all while flaming "GG NO SUPPORT" " NO WARDS GG" " JUST END GG"
          you still see that in any MMR i've played in 2- mid 4 just the frequency was much higher in the 3k range.

          Just my experience how ever, perhaps other posters saw the most salty people in 4k or 5 k.


            The problem with 4k is the inequality in team conposition.

            Sometimes it's like one 5300 guy and 4 4k guys against 4900 and 5100 guys with 3 lower 4ks or something like that.

            This adds alot to the tilt factor.

            5ks hate 4ks and tilt, sometimes even ignore their own mistakes and play like shit themselves.

            Upper 4ks hate 5ks and view them as overly pretentious.

            Also many 4ks think they are 5ks, but their team is holding them back.

            All of this turns 4-5k into a giant tilted shitshow. It is a giant clusterfuck of egomaniacs, wannabe pros, real good players, account buyers, calibrated accounts, etc.

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              Admiral couldn't have painted the picture better.


                also: fck 4k dogs!

                casual gamer

                  theres a huge difference between a 5200 avg or lower and 5500 or 5800 avg imo. the games noticeably easier for me at least


                    Yes all the points above are excellent and I agree, that when a 5K carry player is having his lane contested by a mid 4k player, lots of salt comes out.

                    Best case, one of them goes a support , worst case all the way to tilting+ throw.
                    usually one of them will go jungle which isn't ideal but I'll take it over a throw but that hurts the team in terms of lane presence.

                    I've had some very helpful happy 5Ks when your the midlow 4k and your supporting. Good communication helps.
                    I've also had some crazy salty ones too.
                    Goes both ways I guess


                      I'll tell you some anecdotal game experience.

                      4800 avg.

                      4500 and 5200 go dual mid, one of them goes feeding.

                      At the same time all other teammates start shitting on each other. A 5k gets called boosted.

                      After 5 min the one feeding leaves and so everyone does too.

                      The game's over. Nothing you can do.

                      And it's not a single game, but shit like that happens relatively frequently on 4k. In your team, in the enemy team.

                      Also, there sometimes are games, where teams are really uneven, because 1-2 players on either team are legit calibrated accounts or boosted and dropped down in pts.

                      Like you check the guy's DB and he has 39% winrate this month.

                      Or he has obviously bought calibrated signs, 100+ bot games, etc.

                      4k in a nutshell from my personal experience.

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                        See this 4500 SF in that game.

                        Nothing the enemy team could've done to win.

                        An anecdotal example of such a game.

                        Went 0-16, flamed both teams, then decided to go afk jungle, then abandoned. A 4k Shadow Fiend )))))))))))))))))))))))

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                          you won't find any quality games under 6k avg, no matter what your behavior is.


                            Quality of in-game experience is better based on behaviour score, from atleast what I have experienced. By that, I mean you will hardly get people who flame, ping non-stop or throw the game on purpose. I can say that because a friend of mine in the same skill range, rages a lot and has a behaviour score around 5k. In the majority of his games, there will be atleast 1 person other than him who starts flaming and their personal ego takes priority over the game. This can be a co-incidence or maybe behaviour score plays its part in the matchmaking.

                            With my current skill, I am not qualified enough to comment upon the quality based on game knowledge.


                              thats right . i had 7k behaviour score and i had really good games and had fun even in 3k trash games. then i somehow dropped to fucking 2k behaviour score and i literally cant win a game because every single game my teammates flame feed on purpose and throw, go afk and blame each other. thats why i made a damn smurf, to enjoy high behaviour score again coz im being a nice guy now.

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                                what region do you play in?
                                I'm US east and the level of toxcitiy you are describing isn't nearly as high. That being said for US east, Peruvians are the outlier, if you find yourself playing with them then the fighting for mid,feed tilt is all too real.

                                I do not find to many account buyers when I play. Lucky me I guess

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                                  I personally noticed that in upper 4ks (4.7-4.9K average) games are a lot less toxic than in 3.7+ (Never been lower). Sure higher mmr people might pick on you for being 4k, but overall everyone is trying to win except for the acc buyers that tbh I dont encounter nearly as often as people make it seem.



                                    Oh how passionately I hate shadow feeders in 4k bracket :D

                                    Story Time

                                      lol europe west is the best :) not toxic, good ganks and support do the job. I have no idea where you all are playing, to be so pessimistic


                                        behaviour score doesnt affect mm
                                        +-500 pts around my mmr is equally cancerous

                                        Story Time

                                          maybe it is some kind of a physical constant that whatever mmr u get, +-500 pts around are toxic?

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            All I need is non toxic teammate that didn't throw then I can win my game


                                              Yes :D


                                                Yeah, the higher the game the less toxic it seems. I guess it just comes down to people want to win


                                                  went from 6.8k behavior to 7.2k and they rewarded me with 5 lp games