General Discussion

General DiscussionHow excatly should I approach climbing mmr

How excatly should I approach climbing mmr in General Discussion

    Hi everyone!

    I decided a month ago to go ranked since pubs dont know what the word push meant

    After my 10 games I calibrated at 911, I don't have much to say on that

    I tries climbing my highest was 939 and I just kept falling

    I played mostly support since everyone keeps picking carry, but after talking with people they say support in low tier is bad since they dont know how to abuse the space you make for them

    Im not saying I should be 9k MMR, but it would be nice to hit 1k

    What is the best advice to climb from this, any help is appreciated and I dont mind being insulted cause there is no shame in my bracket

    To add to this I watch a lot of purges videos, so I know or have a basic sense of(as support) dont steal yohr carries farm, pull the lane, ward offensively, all that stuff but I get paired with autoattacking carries *shrug*

    Should I keep playing support or just go 5 man carry


      I played for a year and calibrated at 950. Got so sick of the toxic players, trolls and memers that i stared a new account. Thats this one. I am not ever going to be 9k either but im happy at 2.4k and i win 50%+ of my games so i feel i belong at this level

      Looking at your account, you die a lot- like a lot. Your 900 mmr is fair. I would focus on this account as much as possible and just play unranked. You may notice as you get better that your unranked mmr (players you play against) gets better. When you are playing unranked at a level that you want to be, start a new account and calibrate to that level.

      900 mmr is an absolute in terms of players being cancer, trolls etc. it teaches you nothing

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        I would like to start a new account, but I cant all my awesome customisables are on here

        1-IceTea 🌟

          You do not need to smurf,idk about 3 digits world but if I not mistaken everything there supposed to be bad,you could just use any jungler and get your core item out,go 1v5 and solo push all things yourself

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          Player 123655765

            Most players' advice would be to improve your farming and last hitting creeps, more map awareness, not always join unnecessary team fight early game and take objectives (destroy tower & rax). Yes, more often than not it's best to pick carry at <2k and try focusing on 2-4 hero so you can master them. You can play support but you need a hero that can still be effective at late game. I only know silencer tho. just my 2k cents


              Alright so I should limit my hero pool, but may I ask how improving my last hits will win me more matches? I mean I can just jungle afterwards to catch up right?

              Also how do you reply to a comment ?

              GRANT MACDONALD

                Even someone who gets gud at jungling isnt going to come out and 1v5. he can go jungle and someone will pick LC and jungle too

                Then His AM loses his lane and goes jungle. All of a sudden all the T2s are gone and everyone is underfarmed. Thats life at 900 mmr

                To the OP, do a last hit challenge in an empty lobby and learn how to hit creeps and control lane equilibrium. You should be getting 100 CS in 10 mins
                If you are playing position 1, resist the urge to join every little skirmish before 15 mins. Just farm your lane and farm the jungle when you can.

                I feel like once you master how to carry, you can then transition to support- someone who ensures his carry is farmed and can win the game. It gives you a better appreciation for the game in my opinion


                  Hmm ok that makes sense I will try it thanks man!

                  Anything else I should learn?

                  Hatsune Miku


                    the best you can do, if you can do it. just fck em and pick jungle lc. People on this tier always go solo so a good lc will always carry the game

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^You should be able to 1v5 after jungle for 10mit+- (depending on hero) is 900mmr world


                        @Hatsune Miku

                        I heard this will develop bad habits if I do manage to climb,is this true? But I see your point, farm blink gank farm again

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          OP why you play both @SEA and EU,just curious.

                          edit : No don't get blink in that bracket,SB work much better as it provides more dmg/atrack speed and enemies won't have much s3 dust,gem there,abuse it

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                          Player 123655765

                            Last hitting gives you more gold, more gold early means you can finish up your core items early, and if you can outfarm your opponent then you have more advantage. Go jungle if you're having a hard time in your lane and there's no one helping you. You can't always catch up, because in cases where you died a lot, your opponent already had the gold and exp advantage.

                            GRANT MACDONALD

                              Improving your last hits allows you to get gold and level your hero. Controlling the lane is about you getting farm from last hitting and ensuring that your opponent doesnt get that farm. Thats where your support comes in by zoning out the other teams, pulling the creep wave or getting Denys on your own creeps.

                              With 38 bounty avg per creep last-hitting just one more creep per wave for the 20 waves in the first 10 mins of the game yields 760 gold. Thats more than a free bottle. Thats your boots and a wind lace

                              Thats why regen and sustain in lane is so important. Zoning someone out of lane so they walk to shrine to base can cause them to miss 2 creep waves. In terms of XP lost thats worse for them than if you had just killed them.


                                @1ceTea I dont do Sea, I play dubai and eu cause of ping and I knew shadow blade was better :D

                                @HarambeDied4U and @ChowderXD

                                Wow that explains so much! Thank you both!


                                  Dude want a tips. I calibrate at 1.1 k. Now i 1.9 hopefully reach 2k. To climb just pick counter hero or in our bracket pick hard carry. In your recent omnikight game . Just take silencer im sure it more effective. And your omniknight must be so suck early game.Support is not an easy role. I dont understand when people say this role is easy. U want to be good as carry take midlane,learn how to agrro learn how to outplay them,learn how to use ur hero to the fullest mean. Learn how to win ur lane when u in laning stage.dude when u win ur lane most of the time people on 1k bracket cant comeback again. And last but not least the best hero on those bracket is night stalker. Thats it. With night stalker u going to climb bro. Take offlane as night stalker kill their carry.


                                    I calibrated on my first account 600+mmr and now sitting to 2.5k. I played Rasta on it alot and got pretty good winrate. I enjoyed playing Rasta as a support because I can push tower easily with or w/o my teammates and you can farm great too using your Q. I build blink on him into aghs+refresher and I keep pushing tower if someone TPd I just blnk on trees waiting or TPd on other lanes and push.

                                    So for me, if you pick support pick someone that can push alone since we can't depend on our teammates if they will listen to you, your lucky if they will!


                                      Want to know why recent game your teammate dont want push. Becuase they dont have item to push the tower. Im sure u as noob omniknight always say push2. That y u make this thread. Because u dont know dota mechanic when u can or u cant push enemy tower. Typical 1k bracket.


                                        Don't smurf
                                        Don't be a jack of all trade but master of none
                                        Know how to last hit
                                        Know where to last hit
                                        Know when to last hit
                                        Take objectives
                                        Be efficient


                                          If you want to you can add me, my friendlist feels kinda empty recently


                                            make new account.
                                            climbing sub 1k is insanely hard, no joke, srsly hard.
                                            if u do want to climb, pick either midlaner or jungler.
                                            going lane is useless since everyone does carry and fight 4 lasthits.

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                                              Ignore these papa smurfs that suggest making new accounts
                                              You can calibrate higher than you deserve only to drop down later while ruining people who actually deserve to be there's games, waste of time
                                              I started from 1.2k and if a trash like me can do it, pretty sure anyone else can


                                                You probably deserve to be in sub 1k if you can't grind yourself out of there, trash like adarsh who couldn't do anything managed to get from 500 to 1000 in few days with ease

                                                Hatsune Miku


                                                  yes and no, it depends on you. but once you reach a higher mmr you will learn anyway


                                                    If ur good its easy. And sub 1k is just abt the easiest place for someone good to carry singlehandedly. It doesnt even matter what u end up doing but if u end up with more farm than the enemy and just hit their buildings u will win. Its sometimes retardedly easy to 1v9. I dont rlly know tho, ask cuki.

                                                    Player 404335202

                                                      At that bracket getting 5 man catry helps .. Ask me i ve left that hell of 0.9k mmr


                                                        Best advise is to play a caryy(for me its luna) and farm till 30min mark ignore teamfight and shit unless you see a potential tf win in your shrine,tower. Watch one of my replay and do what i do and you will be 2k in no time. Or you can ask me to boost you


                                                          Pffft fx feeling pro


                                                            Ofc man i deserve 9k but 2k and im 12 btw haHAA


                                                              I played mostly support since everyone keeps picking carry, but after talking with people they say support in low tier is bad since they dont know how to abuse the space you make for them

                                                              im pretty sure that's one of my quotes XD.

                                                              you're free to play support as well it's just not as effective as the other roles.

                                                              With 38 bounty avg per creep last-hitting just one more creep per wave for the 20 waves in the first 10 mins of the game yields 760 gold. Thats more than a free bottle. Thats your boots and a wind lace

                                                              did you fail maths?

                                                              make new account.
                                                              climbing sub 1k is insanely hard, no joke, srsly hard.
                                                              if u do want to climb, pick either midlaner or jungler.
                                                              going lane is useless since everyone does carry and fight 4 lasthits.

                                                              do not listen to idiots like this^

                                                              the lower the mmr, the easier it is to climb out of it

                                                              in sub 1k i can finish every single match before 25 minutes, LITERALLY BY DESTROYING THE ENEMY ANCIENT SOLO BEFORE 25 MIN.

                                                              do not make the mistake these ignorant kids are thinking, that they don't deserve their mmr and that they should re-calibrate to their ''real'' mmr.

                                                              reality hits: your mmr is where you can win at. if you can't get out of sub 1k, where you don't even need brain-cells to win, you might as well switch to league of lesbians.


                                                                "do not listen to idiots like this^
                                                                the lower the mmr, the easier it is to climb out of it
                                                                in sub 1k i can finish every single match before 25 minutes, LITERALLY BY DESTROYING THE ENEMY ANCIENT SOLO BEFORE 25 MIN.
                                                                do not make the mistake these ignorant kids are thinking, that they don't deserve their mmr and that they should re-calibrate to their ''real'' mmr.
                                                                reality hits: your mmr is where you can win at. if you can't get out of sub 1k, where you don't even need brain-cells to win, you might as well switch to league of lesbians."

                                                                :O Thanks for the advice man xD I never planned on making a new account since I got my cool costumes on it :P

                                                                I mean Im not totally new to dota, but I still havent played against certain heros and know how to counter them well, Like the other day I learnt that space cow is magic damage. And these strats that they use where after they hit 6 everyone5 man push top bottom or mid and the whole team panics(Me included) And goes to save it, should I just use split pushing solo when this happens and not concern myself with my team? Im guessing that is how you do it like "Wolves need no armour" type of thing, please correct me if I am wrong xD

                                                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                  I said if carrying, try to get 1 extra last hit per wave from where he is now
                                                                  A last hit lane creep is avg 38 gold
                                                                  So 38 x 20 waves in 10 mins is 760
                                                                  Did you fail math?

                                                                  GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                    yes, the thing to do if the enemy is 5-manning around 15-20 mins and your team just died 1 by 1 trying to defend the T1 is to let it go. They will furiously ping you but just keep pushing. The enemy is probably pinging their t2 or t3 and thinking "shit, we'd better get back"
                                                                    Thats the best defense for that situation

                                                                    Understand also that this isnt a split push meta. I was playing a very winnable game the other day where we already had the t3 mid and were working on an enemy radiant t2. I kept pinging the shrine but team kept pushing for that t2. The enemy TP'd to the shrine from behind and wiped us and we never recovered.
                                                                    Thats why heros like NP are dead

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                                                                        Harambe can i get your 900mmr account for research purposes.

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          When I was a little kid, I fell into a cauldron full of tinker


                                                                            When i was a little kid i fell into cauldron full of antimage


                                                                              When I was a little kid I fell into a chronosphere

                                                                              Farm then Carry

                                                                                (1.5K MMR dude here) I think the big reason most teams in the <1K bracket lose is they:
                                                                                1. Fight too much
                                                                                2. Don't push towers
                                                                                3. Think they're invincible (I do that sometimes)
                                                                                So I think that you should take mobile split pushers like NP, Lycan, or Ember (mobile meaning can push 2 lanes simultaneously). In your recent games I saw a lot of deaths. You should only fight when you know you can survive the fight. If the enemy picks heroes that need farm pick heroes that can harass them like sniper or alche. If someone is actually smart and split pushing then pick someone that has a lot of solo kill potential like sven. If you're getting ganked then you should learn how to read the situation. And of course last hitting

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                                                                                  My advice is to watch videos and practice if you want you can add me to steam and I will try to help you something but I am not a pro xD.

                                                                                  Practice Makes Perfect

                                                                                    Bro i calibrated at 200mmr mark , i fallen below 100mmr , i fought peoples 20mmr ( i remember an alche whit such a big mental deficiency ) i keept playing mid and pos 1 ( if steal me or pick even after me i go jungle ) and now im 4.2 , still going up becoz 4k still shit ez. You gotta learn mid meta heros, GL!

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      ^So complicated,I only play jungle on hardest server and the climbing

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        Btw I only play 3 hero hahahahaha

                                                                                        Something Just like This

                                                                                          OP chose one hero each for each lane and practice them hard like for mid : TA or sf , for jungle : LC or BS, Offlane : timber or monkeyking
                                                                                          and for safe lane : jugger or slark practice them alot.

                                                                                          PS : dont fix on a single lane and pls dont farm all the game like a retard , watch pro games and notice that they have fixed time for pushes and they dont push high ground like tards with the enemy team just about to respawn, play objective based gaming kills dont matter in ranked.

                                                                                          Player 404335202

                                                                                            Cookie becoming too cocky these days :-(


                                                                                              Play one button King


                                                                                                Play your best heros


                                                                                                  i'm always coocky

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    3 Button I always got SB and Armlet to press and some time 5 button because I got BM and TP!

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                                                                                                      you mean you dont toggle aura? noooob

                                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                        When in jungle, who needs toggling?