General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is easy to play with 4.5k and up than 3.5k?

Why is easy to play with 4.5k and up than 3.5k? in General Discussion

    This is my 1st acc and icant get up to 4k. So i tried to create a new one and its calibrated to 4.4k why the fuck i cant get up here in my old acc >.> this is stil 3.4k since 2014 win lose win lose !

    Story Time

      calibration gives inflated mmr?


        oh what a surprise, another smurf thinking he really belongs in 4k or higher when he's a 2-3k shit noob

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Maybe because you good at combo and rely on teammate to do alot of things for you.If what you state here is true that it will only mean you still lack of something to become a good player


            Say it's easy when you actually gain reasonable amount of mmr instead of just calibrating

            L A C S Z X C

              am i. a bad carry? please someone help i feel so bad




                  Where da fuck my thread go

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    from this,ya it's very bad you should do alot more building dmg and alot more LS and disturbing enemies more then you do in this.What is the hero you good at,I can help you look at it

                    L A C S Z X C

                      icetea you can see in my most played hero. i play mid a lot . templar is top mid hero but i play support also.

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        You Do Not Need SnY on SF,build Skadi.
                        Manta for TA is horrible don't ever get it pls lul.
                        Get spike for both of them.
                        Pudge winrate is way too low the way you play him must be so wrong.Go watch some 5K ga ming with good pudge.Don't watch higher then 6K because you need to copy the pattern of them if you go for higher mmr the player there look on too much things low mmr ppl won't catch-up.
                        and your injoker winrate suck,don't pick him

                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                          Calibrating to 4k++ is somewhat common from 3k players.

                          The problem is not everyone of them can maintain it. It might be too soon to think you actually belong to a bracket +1k above your own without going through atleast 50 ranked games after your calibration.:/

                          L A C S Z X C

                            elvZ . . yes thats true bro thats why i sell it hehe..

                            L A C S Z X C

                              ill be there someday see you soon at that bracket thanks a lot guys . can i ask what position do you think i am fit?


                                I can tell you that MMR system inflates your initial MMR by 400-500 at least.

                                I was 3.4-3.7k back when I calibrated 4500 MMR on my smurf, and I was nowhere near that MMR.

                                It helped me eventually to climb to 4k for the first time on my main, and after that I managed to climb up to 4.3k, but initially, as I said, I was never close to that MMR.

                                System will place you higher than you deserve just based on calibration matches. Which is not a bad thing. If you work on your skills and adapt/listen, you will improve.

                                Eventually I droped down to 4.3k and was stable there, and then I sold the account for 10$. After 50 games I managed to maintain 4.3k, which was my peak on my main eventually.