General Discussion

General Discussionnew item idea

new item idea in General Discussion
Use chatwhell=mute

    1.Vlad+hotd+drum would be great item for push and can dominate ancients
    2. Its item like sange and yasha. Combined from staff of wizardly and robe of magi and recipe.
    The effect is turns 20% magical/physical damage into pure.

    Hatsune Miku

      1. ye good idea fck chen aghs
      2. wat?

      Use chatwhell=mute

        Sry for bad english. Effect is just turns any 20% physical/ magical into pure. Such as spells autoattack item . Like dagon


          the game is complicated enough as it is

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
          Hatsune Miku


            no its not your english but the 20% part, it will have some weird interaction with aether lens and int items that boost magic dmg

            1-IceTea 🌟

              The Aoe effect and state will be too good it's not happening.


                maybe reduce the % ?

                Use chatwhell=mute

                  Maybe 20% is just too high. And it could combined s&y too


                    what's the point of this, this does ltierally nothing

                    spend 6k+ gold to have absolutely nothing

                    just a bunch of cramped up small stats with no purpose

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      The 1st item idea is too op. I would rush it with underlord


                        What if there was an item supports could buy to reveal enemy wards, or maybe even some item to detect the Riki that's going 25-0. Just theocrafting tho


                          isnt game allrdy very push oriented lol
                          nerf pushing

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                            How exactly is the item going to do that?


                              Why dont u make an item that combines out of armlet huh? Armlet is the coolest item, im sad i cant buy it on every hero.

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                ^Combines it with SnY (because pro never use the item now and it won't be OP anyway)
                                NAME Sange,Yasha spend time with Mordiggian short form (SYstwM) sound like some X movie tho


                                  This doesn't make sense - game building wise.
                                  None of those items do anything to influence magic damage.

                                  A better build would be Veil of Discord, HotD, and maybe Aether Lense.

                                  Seems IMBA at your current idea. Work on it.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    They help little with push, just a little
                                    I prefer Medallion/Solar Crest -----------------------------> You armor the creep being hit by tower
                                    The true pushing items are Maelstrom, Battlefury, Desolator and Assault Cuirass