General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut

Juggernaut in General Discussion

    I think I am improving slowly with him. In last match I get 350-400 ping and I just hoped it to get better. But, I just played and I got a Rampage. So happy with this now. He is best hero in my arsenal. I need any one to tell me what I need to improve .


      Last hit




          i have a new hero to spam. Jugg heHeeee


            @bws Items. I know, I didn't want to go manta > basher. I had so much lag and worrying, I can't make a single item in time, so I went so low cost effective items to utilize his full ultimate power and a few right clicks. I am not good juggernaut, but I can make some good decisions when I can't get enough farm.

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              @ Daddy, u didn't get me, do u ? I was playing at 400 ping. I hit and next sec I am somewhere. May be experience it once, at 400 or 500 ping.


                Then dont ask for tips if ur biggest problem is technological. Fix that first.


                  Have you tried to ask all of your wifi user to stop useing wifi? If you cant just play at midnight


                    have you tried buying domi


                      try this item build starting items stout shield 2 branches tango salve clarity then get a poor man shield then get a phase boots then go dominator instantly then manta rush then maelstrom/basher then go for mjollnir or abyssal then butterfly Eazay farm just always find farm at the map and learn how to micro ur illusions


                        New player picking domi is like a guy who just started playing dota picking faceless void
                        Oh wait :thinking:


                          pretty sure you can just take a wolf and have it follow you,i mean, how hard can that be


                            yeah, i didn't wanted domi. I mean I am ok with micro, but I am still practicing my last hits and my micro, so I can use up to its full potential. I don't want to just press M key and waste helm. So, I go for it rarely.


                              I am sure, If I have good ping, I can manage to get more than 60 CS in a contested lane. In my state, its too bad. I am practicing to get good cs for now.


                                @bws, I didn't get u. What's wrong with picking faceless void, for a new player. He is pretty straight forward. But, nice chrono is what u shouldn't expect.


                                  I hit 4 man chrono on my teammates on my first 10 games of dota


                                    From my experience, in public matches, you are not always getting the best team comp, and we know that jugger is kinda squishy and sometimes struggles to getting up close. Don't build diffusal+Manta every game. If you see that you need more chasing potential, go sange and yasha. It's relatively cheap item, and you will love 400+ move speed, Then you also can go blink dagger which is amazing when you need to get to enemies close, but it's better if u have manta, because you can seriously bodyblock that fucking rubick and fuck him in the ass before he steals Enigma's R and shits on your team. As someone mentioned in the comments above, still your main focus should be farming. Even tho Jugger has one of the best animations and att speed in early game, I still struggle sometimes and thus I ALWAYS buy quelling blade from a sideshop as a first item. Also - Helm of dominator is a tres bien item for jugger, even after nerf, since it's health regen hasn't changed and with low health pool, jugger still loves it... Try to stack camps with it for later cleave (lvl4 Q clears up most camps)

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                                        Sny is still bad, if u want chase buy a blink, or sb, or manta, and phase, and diffusal.


                                          And you can skip quelling its not as good anymore. With a pms or early phase lh shudnt be a problem. Its not bad tho, if u need it and can afford the inventory space then do it. But jugger imo runs out of space kinda fast, so i wud skip quelling.


                                            using the aura isnt rly wasting tho, although it isnt using the item to the fullest its still good, how is 30% dmg or 8 armor for 1750 gold not good?


                                              There are tons of ways to play Juggernaut. One of the easiest way is to get a helm of dominator and farm in jungles. If you are new and not good at mircroing. Skip jungle.

                                              Go to your lanes. Try to get as many last hits as possible. That is for the laning part. You can be aggressive in your play if there are good supports with you.

                                              For the fighting part in later stages, you can try to find a solo enemy and kill them off. If they are constantly sticking, then you should wait for your team to fight first, then go in slightly later.

                                              Otherwise, you might want to push towers by yourself. You can really push fast with your healing ward.

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                This is how you should play juggernaut-by jungling.

                                                Edit : My game is VHS, and I have an insane 71%+ Winrate with this way,now I just give the info FOR FREE,you are welcome.

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                                                  :thinking: licetea thinks he's good


                                                    omg im about to throw up. battlefury deso aghs hahaha


                                                      where's the refresher ??!


                                                        Wheres the aether lens?

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          ^it will be my last item,I will get Moonshard and Reflesher after that if the game didn't end so fast.

                                                          But the game end so fast is also because of me,I did too much building dmg and push so fast.This build is better because I just use 1 ulti in teamfight and I get easy double kill and other enemies all injured quite bad.All is just 1 button.I am so good

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            You do not need aether lens on jugg,I know you 2K,it's ok just follow what I do even you not understand it you still will get VHS
                                                            SB(or SE if needed) hit them few time and ulti,they all die 1 button its so easy.
                                                            The time of hit before ulti is important,it depends on what enemies using and how fast is the reaction of enemies,try to get it more hit if you lucky you can even get a rampage by that 1 click with this build :smile:

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                                                              Pretty sure my meme VG yasha mjolnir build is better than BF these days


                                                                Where da fk my thread go


                                                                  bring your talent to ranked games mate


                                                                    Pretty sure even fx can play jugg even better than licetea

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      ^Sure you both are just 2K and don't want to learn when I give you good tip.
                                                                      Have it your way and stay at your bracket


                                                                        Hey, imo honestly. I think bf is not that good on juggernaut. Spending 4200 gold on a items which improves farming a bit fast. Instead u can go diffusal and a medallion and pretty sure u get a kill or u can get a yasha and maelstorm which improves ur farming rate. I am not that good, but when u can't get enough farm, just get some items which helps. More over, always going for the battlefury build, is not good, u might want to change ur option. Now, a slight buff to bf is not that good for Jugg. Anyway, its my opinion.

                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          1) BF are total 4500.

                                                                          2)No other item will give you the farm speed that BF give.

                                                                          3)other item can work also,just a different play style.

                                                                          4)only build BF when you know your team can hang on 25mit of the game without you doing much other then come out to ulti and do some push.


                                                                            Never build bf on jugg its dogshit. As jugg u want to fight, and bf is a 4500ish gold item that doesnt even give you a little fighting potential. Mjollnir is strictly better. Also dont buy fucking medallion on jugger, he wants bigger ticket items with bigger impact.

                                                                            Catsys Rivers


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                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                ^^We don't need advice from someone who didn't play Dota since 4 month ago xD

                                                                                ^it just means it's analysis more,nothing else

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                                                                                  Alright icetea is starting to sound like a typical toxic 4k who thinks everything he says is right just because he has x mmr
                                                                                  I wonder how many more will get corrupted


                                                                                    No need to listen to a 3 hero pool jungle exclusive 4k player who has well known reputation of shitposting in dotabuff


                                                                                      LMAO fucking licetea cant counter my argument cuz its correct so he brings up irrelevant information. FUCK OFF.


                                                                                        I would also get triggered if I give a counterargument to a guy who spread false info only to have him spit out "YOURE NOT EVEN ON MY LEVEL" without anything else