General Discussion

General DiscussionFinally hit 4k (a lil bit long read)

Finally hit 4k (a lil bit long read) in General Discussion

    This was my previous post where I complained about how some games are just unwinnable with some shitty teammates. I was about 3.2k

    But I tried hard enough and finally hit my mark today. For those who said kind and inspiring words in that topic, I really appreciated it.

    A little bit of background.
    - Dota 1 Player
    - Dota 2 since beta
    - Calibrated solo at 3.4k (ppl still suck back then, including me)
    - Went on and off with the game over the years, dropped to 2.4k
    - Decided to smurf (yea admittedly I was one of those smurfs, got VHS though)
    - Eventually came back to main and start raising (improving myself along the way)
    - Spammed mostly Tinker at 2.5k - 3.2k
    - Then spammed mostly Treant at 3.2k - 4k

    And right now I think I've really improved myself in a lot of aspects of the game, although I'm willing to improve even further more (especially mid lane lul)

    So a few questions about 4k bracket (SEA server).

    1) Is it that cancer toxic shit like what I've heard (smurfs, acc buyers, ego shit ppl)

    2) What role should I focus to practice on? I pretty much enjoy every roles, especially roaming supports, but sometimes you need to be able to play a certain role your team needs. Or should I practice on specific heroes?

    3) Is spamming a small pool of heroes viable and worth it?

    Lastly, I used to be one of those who thought that the "trench" is impossible to leave, but right now I proved myself wrong. For those who wish to raise, focus on yourself and try your best not to rage.

    Also pick a role or hero that can create space and have a lot of impact in the game.


      treant and necro spammer ohhhhhh the cancer.


        1. low 4k is pretty cancer if you ask me, took me 2 months to escape it
        2. Focus on what role you think you are the best at, focusing on 1 role will make you even better as a player
        3. Yes
        edit: congrats btw

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          lul ur likr me i just spammed tinker from 2500 to 3300 can do to 5 k but no patience

          1. alot toxic
          2. Play any role i think what most defines high 4k and low 4k is game knowledge and skills its for all brackets ofc
          3. higher mmr means games with meta heroes and good counter picks so u have to know alot heroes u wont play every game role u want
          sometimes i let someone play meepo safe cause he has 1k mepo games and i suport him

          1-IceTea 🌟

            You are welcome.
            grind 3.2K to 4.0K in 19days really are impressive.
            For your questions Reshin given you a good answer.

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            1-IceTea 🌟

              @Dental Techinician
              your answer suck
              what can you said things that you don't know about?
              Me for example I play jungle and 3 hero only and I have higher mmr then you.
              I know one dog PP guy he even play 1 hero to 6K
              Stop sprats false and wrong info around if you don't know anythings don't lead a hard and willing learner to wrong road

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                4k is so cancerous it gives cancer a bad name.


                  @1icetea why dont u play furion?😪

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    ^The hero is a joke,I am not a joke that's why I don't play it jajaja xaxa 5555 wkwk


                      @icetea yea i see ur life sucks with 3 heroes but nvm
                      the point is he wont have chance every game to play his fav hero tinker tree etc
                      he gona have to play dark seer offlane in order to synergy with team and win game

                      if i play every game my tinker probably would him 5k mmr
                      but thats not possible
                      hes always nominated for ban and alot 4ks jerking on midd


                        your jungle ursa is different (sad retarded) story
                        you just mark insta pick and get lp after cause of reports u deserve in ur 3 dimensional shit life
                        lul fuck urself

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Awwe another person fall to the he'll with burning anger and become evil shit after my comment,wp myself :laugh:
                          and is a dilution player that have lower mmr then me and he said he can easy 5K
                          while he stay on easiest server!!!

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                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Ye when I do that I just trolling while giving good information behind it,alot of other will thinking I mad when I MAKE CAP COMMENTS BUT I JUST DON'T HAHAHAHAHA

                            I am actually just giving you advise so you won't mislead other tho,teaching you to do good things just like your mama daddy and your god.why you so mad bro?

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                            Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                              What tinker build do y'all mostly go while spamming him?


                                Our experience is pretty much similar.

                                - WC dota1 (RGC & GGclient/Garena)
                                - Played dota2 beta.
                                - Calibrated solo at 4.4k
                                - Also took breaks. Went from 4.4k to 4.9k. I was kinda salty.
                                - Dropped from 4.9k to 4.6k due to nerfs to heroes I spammed. And probably because I was salty.
                                - Decided to take a 2 year break from the dota2 to get rid of my saltiness.
                                - Eventually came back to try ranked again w/ a new mindset.
                                - After playing few normal matches to deal w/ my rusty game reflexes, I went back to the road to 5k.
                                - Spammed the same heroes from 4.6k to 5k in span of more or less 1 month.

                                Admittedly, It's somewhat easier to go 5k now than it was before because way back when iceiceice and other SEA pros where only 5.2k yet shitstomps 4.9k. But I think even w/ that, I could've gotten to 5k 2-3 years earlier if I fixed my game attitude back then instead of just thinking each game as "toxic".

                                1.) toxicity is relative. Don't bother contemplating on this.
                                2.) Ideally, it's best to have like 1-3 go to heroes for each role. But learning a specific role you can have a very significant positive game impact with is good too.
                                3.) Small hero pool's viability depends on patches IMO. Having a small hero pool can make or break your relevance by significant nerfs or hero mechanic changes.

                                BTW, Good job on making it to 4k. Keep the positive attitude.:D


                                  you would be back to 4k and back to 3.9k its a repeating process. To end the suffering u need to find a decent teammates who would listen and u know communciate. u have to spam still in order to win sir


                                    So, is spamming the only way to raise MMR unless you're a really pro Dota player?

                                    I used to play a lot HS/VHS normal MM (most of the time Random Draft), now I got back to Ranked, just as you said, back when Ranked came out, I calibrated at 3.6k, dropped down to 3.1k in around a week, now slowly on the climb, but my approach towards playing ranked is mostly trying to fill the role needed with the hero that seems suitable due to one or another reason.


                                      4k solo queue is pretty awful. account buyers arent too common, but smurfs and autism-inducing bobos are everywhere. Just stick with tree and necro and you should keep climbing pretty ez. keep your hero pool around 3, you probably dont need more than that.

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        Dental technician?

                                        Player 404335202

                                          @before time
                                          Confrarulations mate


                                            1) Is it that cancer toxic shit like what I've heard (smurfs, acc buyers, ego shit ppl)

                                            Every bracket is toxic unless its mlg shit like 6k+

                                            2) What role should I focus to practice on? I pretty much enjoy every roles, especially roaming supports, but sometimes you need to be able to play a certain role your team needs. Or should I practice on specific heroes?

                                            It's up to you

                                            3) Is spamming a small pool of heroes viable and worth it?



                                              ??sup bro ?
                                              @op by destroying enemie acneits

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Gratz man.


                                                  Playing the same role like 4/5 or 1/2 is worth it but if you are playing 4/5 you must try to have around 10 hero pool. When your team is picking luna wont sd be good but turns out you cant play sd feelsbadman