General Discussion

General DiscussionSupporting

Supporting in General Discussion

    So basically I returned after a little break and no I am playing really really bad so i decided to start playing some support heroes and try my best to in ranked as a support since Im not in the right zone for playing a core.
    What I want to ask is what type of supports would you recommend, I can play omni,lion,ogre and cm etc but any other heroes that you would recommend me playing? And any tips for supporting in low 2k bracket? thanks


      Those supports you mentioned are good ones. With CM and Lion, positioning is the best thing. Personally I do not like lion as you need a fast blink dagger. Problem is if your playing a pos 5 support you will never have the farm for it ( always buying wards and sents) and you cant farm creeps quickly. CM can jungle some creeps, Omni and Ogre are a bit tanker and have either high armor or heals. If you get jumped on by ember, weaver, riki (popular heros) then your dead.



        1-IceTea 🌟

          Wew your recent red blood bath tho,have you tried to improve your player skill levels first?


            So you are asking to play support but then playing alchemist, drow and jugg?

            I think Jakiro is a fantastic support: hes got high base HP, a solid multi-man disable, and 2 AS/MS slows. I think hes relatively easy to play if u can land some ice path timing down.

            Ancient Apparition: I think AA is really great when paired with a hero that has a stun. Basically you inititate with cold feet. Have the other hero stun and as their stun wears off cold feet sets in and boom, you got like a 4-5s disable. At teh same times ehs got a great early DMG boost in his e and his w is a great slow/vision. Also his ultimate is fun to stomp kids across the map and counters many heroes that have high heal/vamp.

            Disruptor: Honestly my favorite support who does it all. Hes got a nuke that also gives vision if they go trees. Glimpse is OP, max it first and u can catch out anyone. Then hes got a long trapping spell that takes time to get used to. Amazing ult as well. I would highly suggest learning this hero.

            Other than those two the ones you listed are fantastic, good luck.


              If you think your game reflexes are still rusty from the break you took, you're probably right so don't play ranked yet.

              Play normal games til you get your confidence back then play rank when you think you can play competitively on your bracket.

              Go play Ogre,Lion,Silencer or Dazzle. Depending on what your team needs.

              I wanted to suggest Visage but it might be too much for you atm.


                play some pubs first


                  I generally prefer to play support with reliable disables, and big team fight ults. Some of these include: cm, sk, jak, wd, dis, enigma. I find the disable and team fight capabilities are what makes a support useful and if a sup uses their abilities correctly they should be able to win almost any team fight.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Back when 1 or 2 week before,I feel rusty because I haven't played for 4 days is that normal?

                    Story Time

                      What is this argument? I play bad and then i play support? Is that why most sups are so bad?


                        u are playing bad so you decide to play supp... when carry is a simplier role... :thinking:


                          Wtf supports job is only ward and not farm what are you talking about xd


                            SK and Enigma are not supports but offlaners.

                            Id suggest: CM, Ogre, Lich, Venge

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                              Actually sirs I did not feel comfortable playing carry due to which I decided to shift my role till I get the hang of things.
                              Everyone thanks for the helpful comments and everyone who just wants to flame go ahead have fun :)
                              Another question is that should I play a little greedier support when i am playing supports like cm or lion etc for that blink dagger? Or should it depend on the game? Also during same games I know that your team is not utilizing wards and other things etc so should I stop wasting my resource on them if I believe it is a waste?


                                thats the kind of support you lose games because of bws xd


                                  a support doing his job in 2k mmr would be beyond godlike 15 minutes in.