General Discussion

General DiscussionLion, the demon feeding witch

Lion, the demon feeding witch in General Discussion

    In an attempt to expand my hero pool of supports I have decided to play this little thing called LION

    Seems like he has a good kit, good stun , good hex and finger

    When I play him, it always seems like I am a pos 5 hard support with wards etc. I get my lvl 6 late ( 8 mins or more)

    He is super slow, and I find that my blink timing is pure shit ( 25 mins or higher)
    then comes the issue of having the likes of ember/ slark , jug, the just royally screw you. Ember just wrecks you, flame guard, into 3 rems and your dead. Slark jumps you and your dead with his SB. which he gets around the 14 min mark.

    at that point I just dont even show on the map cause Im dead. Carry takes all the jungle spots ( as they should) and that leaves little lion poor. If its a slark game, Sentry wards ( god bless they can be bought one at at time now) eat into the little gold I have.

    His mana pool is shit, squishy as all heck. I mean you can't combo at lvl 12 with finger, hex and stun. you don't have the mana pool. You've gotta mana drain the target for a few seconds instead of smacking him with your IMPRESSIVE +45 damage!!!! talent. the health doesn't seem to matter the few times I've taken it.

    its not like CM where you can causally jungle a few creeps with the W. He cannot farm jungle fast until that talent, and by that point you've got slarks , embers running around feasting on you rump.

    I just really dont know what I am doing, I cant find farm and many times I just seem to be getting railed by the popular meta heros.
    If your team is snowballing, awesome you can get a blink timing. Team is even or behind, your a walking ATM, Lvl 12 your sittion on like 900 HP and 2 armor and 700 mana pool.

    Should I even pick him with his 48% WR?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

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      Get small cost efficient stat items early on so you can combo

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        Like casual bracer or Null?
        I like the force staff , but again , is it force or blink!?


          No you shouldn't pick him. There are better supports to pick currently such as treant, cm, jakiro, lich, ogre, and omni

          I mean unless you really like the hero. If you do like playing him then by all means do so since this game is meant to be fun

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            @ Hotsalza, I was getting that impression from my games that he is just outclassed by all the heros you listed above. The first few games I tried were OK, but as the next losses to embers , jugs and slarks came I got angry and then I started to get tilted about how he's an intel hero yet doesn't even have the mana pool to combo someone meanwhile slark with an raindrop + echo can pact nearly non stop.... #Dotaisbalanced

            I think I'm going to drop him for now until ember gets nerfed or he gets buffed. Just feels so underwhelming.

            Oh fun fact I think you and I played a game with each other recently , which is the first time I've seen someone else on DB playing.

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              The supports listed above almost all are tanky and have defensive spells to save themselves. This isn't surprising since the meta is literally just run at people and kill them.

              I get recognized in game quite a bit actually. It wouldn't surprise me if you saw me since we both play us east and have similar mmr's


                Good point about the defensive spells, you would think that a stun and hex would be enough to save you but it doesn't work out that way. But you are correct about them just running at you and your helpless to do anything.....

                Yeah you are the first person I've recognized here , I think we were teammates but Im not sure, I play too much :P


                  how do u even get level 6 by min 8 as lion
                  are u 4/0/5 by then or smthng


                    pulling creeps, stealing bounties, smoke ganks.
                    8 is a good timing, sometimes I need to wait until 10 for tomb, if said ganks fail or I didn't get a deward on the pull

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                      ye thats what everyone does and u r on average a bit lower than 5.5 at min 10 mark

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                        Also, sometimes they dive the midlaner and when you TP in, it results in a solo kill after the mid dies but you got one of the divers. That gives you a big boost


                          lets not talk about lion and pick wd


                            I love me a good WD, solid ass support on that one

                            casual gamer

                              as a general rule never buy 500g stat items that arent wand


                                maybe he leeches exp from his carry :v


                                  i think is important not to go alone, you can easily turn around fights if you got allies i think.

                                  also ive heard that to be effective as lion you need to land multi-hero spikes.

                                  GRANT MACDONALD

                                    *Ns opinion*
                                    For starters, you shouldn't be getting jumped by slark or anyone else if your team takes the right fights. If its night and they have a blink hero, dont fight near trees or wait until day. if there's an enemy slark or nyx, bring wards.

                                    There's a reason you are having mana trouble landing your spike, hex, finger wombo combo and that is as a position 5 you should not be firing off this combo. i see way too many greedy lions that go mid or try to carry and he's just not suited for it. Even if you can blink to the opponent's back line and blow up one of their supports, you'll be dead too with no mana, no defensive items, all your spells on CD and unless you have a force staff or defensive euls, you're screwed- and so is your team

                                    Lion's place is in the back of fights, stunning heros and nuking any that your carries cant get or that are going to cause problems. Having the mana to land another hex and another spike if the fight is still going is far better IMO than blowing everything you have to nuke one of their heros. For the money, I go Euls. the MS and mana regen is nice, plus it is easier to build than a blink and it and gives you another disable or linkens beaker. Anyone without a linkens or bkb can almost get perma-stunned if you land that combo and that should be enough time for your carry to get there and finish the job.

                                    Anyways, thats how I play him. I've played with some yolo lions that I am sure have more GPM, or KDA but all I care about is +25


                                      Play supports like Venge/Veno on which you actually win instead.

                                      Because, as your DB tells, you just lower your MMR by playing certain supports. Switch role or change the way you play.

                                      Idk, I wouldn't enjoy supporting with 40-ish WRs.

                                      You're a good Phoenix/Veno player, why just not pick those and gain MMR instead of losing?

                                      Why not stick to BH/Ogre/Venge/WW/Lich/Treant if you truly want to support/roam?

                                      I've been in that whirlwind of picking garbage heroes and lost alot.

                                      Just drop Lion, unless you really enjoy him.

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                                      Johnny Rico

                                        they nerfed him, with change to stats, heroes getting more HP, magic resist is cheap now with glimer, he has a shit mov speed, but still a good all around sup, if you know how to play it,i remember those good old times where if you put him mid at lvl 6 (5-6 minutes) he could kill anyone in the map.



                                          You are correct, I just suppose I like the variety rather then spam like 2 heros but you raise a valid point.

                                          you are correct in that they sort of nerfed all heavy magic dealers ( lion, Lina, Lesh) in that they are all quite weak at the moment. raindrop and talents. Yes i recall from WC3 Dota you ran lion mid for a fast lvl 6 and it was an instant kill.