General Discussion

General Discussion in General Discussion
Player 123655765

    Anyone tried using this??


      that sounds like so much bullshit, if there was an actual tool that could cut your ping by a significant amount would be magic

      Player 123655765

        We were using something like this back when we were playing AION, because the server was NA based and it's really lag here in SEA. forgot the name tho but it was something like this and it was really working. So I was wondering if this works too.


          It's not magic. I've used similar programs back then, when I was playing some chinese version of an MMO game. It really helped, ping was around 30-50 with that tool, without it, it was 10 times worse (around 300-500). I think its name was "IpMana", but not sure. Its interface was in all chinese, and had to register on some shady chinese site, but hey, it worked :D

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            You must be sheep

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              Let me explain how these sort of things work.
              Basically ping Depends on how far your data travels to the game server. Ideally you'd want it to travel the shortest possible distance through the fewest possible servers. However to reduce the amount of data traffic in busy servers, non vital data packets (such as your game data) can be re-routed via several other less busy servers which reduces data traffic in busy servers but increases your ping because your data travels further.

              WTFast (and similar companies) basically set up private servers and data routes which are dedicated to their customers. People using it will have their game data sent through the shortest possible route using the dedicated WTFast servers instead of being routed through a bunch of redundant servers. Since your data doesn't have to travel as far, your ping drops

              Now this doesn't always work. If your game data is already travelling the shortest possible distance (because the servers it would need to go though aren't that busy) then WTFast can't really provide a shorter route and your ping wont drop. Additionally, If WTFast doesn't have enough servers in your region, or doesn't have them in the best place relative to you, then the shortest route using WTFast might be longer than the route you're using without it and your ping will actually go up as a result. Also since it can't reduce your ping lower than the ping you get from travelling the shortest distance, it will not magically give you a low ping if you're playing in a far off server.

              WTFast and similar companies usually have most of their servers located in Europe and North America, so it its entirely possible that they will reduce pings in those regions. However regions where their network is less developed (or non-existent) will not benefit from their services at all and your ping may even go up. I tried using WTFast in South Africa about a year ago and my ping increased by 30 because they just have very few servers in this area and they aren't in a location that would benefit me.

              I don't know how well their coverage around central Asia, South America and SEA is so you'll have to test it yourself and see if it helps but at a guess I'd say you wouldn't receive much benefit. There may however be a local competitor who has servers in your country that would actually help though.


                I did buy like 20 days or something, its so bullshit they just asking for money but improve is so small or nothing, never sort out real ping problems, they literally stealing money, the have quite a big Comercial telling how you get awesome ping on their private network....just taking money from dumb ppl as me...


                  its a scam dont fall for it


                    It actually worked for me. How it can happens is logical. In SEA, our ISP share the same cable line to go international. So something the route to the server are long enough to have 200ms. Using wtfast, my ping is lowered to 60. Wtfast chooses the faster route which is used for gaming. Try to use some service which has broad network.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^just upgreat your Internet speed lul


                        Note that this method only works when your ISP has limited abilty to connect oversea. High ping due to long distance or cable quality cant be solved by this method. Just download and try


                          WTFast actually improved my ping when I was playing FFXIV.

                          It's a routing optimization service. It may improve or actually make things worse depending on the setup.

                          Example scenario:

                          Default route of ISP connection is
                          You --> point A --> point B --> point C --> point D--> Game server

                          Sometimes this could be the case for lag. WTFast's promise is to reduce ping by routing your packets properly so it doesn't do as many hops as it usually does.

                          What WTFast can do is
                          You --> WTFast server --> Game Server

                          Less hops potentially reduces ping.