General Discussion

General DiscussionMassive new patch discussion

Massive new patch discussion in General Discussion
basement :)

    Still reading through it. Though: ‘ Level 25 Talent from +120 Enfeeble Damage Reduction to +75 Movement Speed’ = zoom zoom Bane. ‘Blademail damage return no longer spell lifesteals off of returned damage’. R.I.P. QoP.

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      That bh buff tho

      Catsys Rivers

        Oh nice, going to check it out right now!

        Solar Crest ♥

        I feel like Magnus just became a balanced pop star.

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          Lmao qop.

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            basement :)

              Dad, I have a present for you. Dark Seer Level 15 Talent from +90 Damage to +120. Echo Sabre Dark Seer time.


                No. Just no.

                monk, tibetan

                  40% bash duration reduction on Treant lmao. Still not gonna change his opieop-ness


                    finally a luna nerf, at least that's something


                      On the heroes I play.

                      -Abaddon got slightly buffed again, I am happy

                      -Broodmother got buffed too, but her buff is more than negated by 100 gold sentries, this is bad for her

                      -Beastmaster got buffed and very good 25 lvl Wild Axes buff, this'd finally make it viable

                      -Enchantress got buffed

                      -Treant got nerfed, but only slightly. I max his Q anyway, so I won't feel a big difference. The nerf isn't nearly as bad, as I'd have expected it to be. Good.

                      Furthermore, now root works against Ember, which is kinda a strong situational buff to Treant at the same time. I dig that.

                      -Timbersaw got buffed

                      -Wraith King got buffed

                      At the same time utter cancer Pudges/Techies/Slark/Necro/MK/Luna, etc. finally get at least slight nerfs.

                      I am happy with this update.
                      Looking forward to spam Treant in ranked.

                      My heroes are generally buffed, heroes I don't like are nerfed. Feelsgood.

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                        Sad QOP.


                          Also, RIP offlane CLQ-style Tiny.

                          Ones who know will understand.


                            Tbh qop can still function. The blademail thing was late game, and instead she can just transition into a mid game 2nd or 3rd item aghs to benefit from that spell lifesteal, and then build full right click. Something like veil/euls aghs/orchid/linkens/bkb
                            Ac/mjollnir bloodthorn
                            You can fit in hex or octa or whatever if u want.


                              Heroes that stood out (this doesnt mean OP but i wud like to see how they are now): brood, bristle, am, bloodseeker and bounty
                              Also slark got a cd reduction talent so i dont at all think he is nerfed.


                                Wtf antimage 2 sec blinks lul


                                  No that -50 sec mana void cd wtf


                                    Most notable buffs are Doom, AM and Lich IMO.

                                    Maybe Bristle.

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                                      * Blademail damage return no longer spell lifesteals off of returned damage

                                      rest in fucking pieces QoP

                                      Catsys Rivers

                                        Undying with Octarine and Aghs, that ought to be fun.


                                          Do you guys realize what +80 Devour gold lvl 10 essentially means?

                                          It's +130 GPM at lvl 2 Devour.

                                          And +265 GPM (!!!!!!!!) at lvl 4 Devour.

                                          You can get +255 GPM as Doom now at lvl 10 basically.

                                          With Midas the number raises to free +373 GPM.

                                          So with Midas and talent Doom has basically FREE built-in +373 GPM at level 10.

                                          This is insanely strong. No one thought about that?

                                          You may rush Radiance and platemail into Shivas+Pipe in no time.

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                                          Catsys Rivers

                                            ^ I'm going to try that out as a roaming support Doom that maxes Devour early and rushes midas after brown boots.


                                              -3s Shadow Strike Cooldown maybe thats interesting

                                              also i dont see any real nerfs to pudge/slark... 5 base movement speed barely means anything.

                                              I'm excited about Lion, now i can take both the reduced respawn time AND the GPM. PogChamp.

                                              Also 40 Agility on Nyx, LUL.

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                                                Continuing on Doom.

                                                Some heroes may have 373 GPM as their final endgame GPM with farmed creeps, etc.

                                                This is insanity.

                                                Doom now has a guaranteed 550+ GPM almost in any game.

                                                In a good one you may hit 800-900 GPM now with him.

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                                                  On Slark and Pudge.

                                                  Well, I am happy that they're at least making it look like they want to nerf them. I do understand, that these -5 ms shit nerf barely mean anything, but that's a start, at least.

                                                  Catsys Rivers

                                                    My Doom says its +80 gold per devoured creep, is that a bug?


                                                      Yes, I've an initial error, holding the number 70 in my head, it is indeed 80, which makes the final flat bonus GPM even higher.

                                                      It would make free +373 GPM with Midas, lvl 4 Devour and this talent at level 10.

                                                      Almost 400 free gold per minute.
                                                      Nice, Volvo.

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                                                        less than 1 second Shadow Strike cooldown on QoP :thinking:


                                                          Btw ur giving that much gpm on a doom and sacrificing ur fighting potential. Who gives af abt gold on a doom? Also qop isnt totally rip, still over much better than before 7.00. Also a cd reduction talent on slark is no joke, if anything i think its a buff. Thats actually so good.


                                                            Bristle looks less shit but still completely dependent on being drafted with io.


                                                              Time to start defeating more magic


                                                                It's level 10.

                                                                You don't sacrifice anything, besides all you need is to walk up and Doom someone with smoke, you wouldn't need anything for that.

                                                                You'd have Midas+Phase+Blink by minute 14-15 now.

                                                                This talent is given too early.
                                                                You don't sacrifice anything of value.

                                                                That is the gimmick.

                                                                You can buy tons of greedy items on Doom: Radiance, Shivas, AC, Aghs, Octa, Refresher, Heart, Hex, etc.

                                                                Now you are finally able to do that as a pos. 3 Doom due to sheer amount of gold you'll get.

                                                                Like a 3rd heavily farmed core hero.

                                                                Radiance on Doom is considered garbage because you had no armor and would be bursted down quickly.

                                                                Now you'd have so much money, that you can built a BM/platemail/hood in no time after 16-19 min Radiance or so, thus making it viable.

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                                                                  Ye only 377 gpm is with a midas, an item doom doesnt want to farm. And 255 gpm is a lot, but its passive gold gain, meanwhile other heroes r getting talents and power spikes immediately. It isnt bad but ur trading dooms low mana pool for a worthless talent in terms of immediate gain. It pays off over time, but time is limited, and games end fast.


                                                                    And abt slark's cd reduction talent, thats more se uptime, more ulti uptime, slightly more often pacts and pounces, and more abyssals and even more echo procs. Even a smaller linkens down time. Smaller bloodthorn cd. Lower BoT cd. Lower bkb cd. With an aghs on ur ulti, you straight have a 27 second ulti cd, which is fucking dumb. Or refresher lower cd. Cd reduction is such a good talent in general.


                                                                      All I see is a heap of useless talent tree buffs everywhere

                                                                      "Tinker armour talent from 5 to 6"
                                                                      OH BOY!


                                                                        dude i dont think anyone will not take the agility anyway

                                                                        Catsys Rivers


                                                                          Did so bad. Fed horribly, played awful, misplay after misplay cause I suck with him. Took forever to reach level 10 because I raomed like crazy until minute 10 and then Pudge just molested me. Having the huge gpm was nice for one thing imo: team fight items. I think you could easily build the new Solar Crest, Blade Mail and have the hp regen talents to tank a bucket load of physical damage mid game. Its not really an issue to have 2-3 extra points in Devour by level 10 as long as you get 1 disable off, Doom someone and soak up a couple seconds of damage.

                                                                          And yes, if given the option to do that game again, I would drop the midas and instead buy early push items to accelerate team farm more with towers.

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                                                                          basement :)

                                                                            Undying looks overpowered.


                                                                              Solar crest. demm i love that item. feelsgoodman

                                                                              Catsys Rivers

                                                                                12 armor
                                                                                75% mana regen
                                                                                25% evasion

                                                                                price: 2625 gold

                                                                                Its now one of the best physical defense items in the game as far as flexibility and price range goes. Bet we'll see a big increase of these on early roshers now.

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  They only changed the cool down for Solar Crest? Oh, it was the armour.

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                                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                                    great now i can just go satanic instead of feeling pressured to buy blademail on my carry qop rofl


                                                                                      MK nerf big, he no now longer has any viable health talents, while every other carry has viable health talents.... this hero is going to have be a farmer


                                                                                        wr is still uselss shit unfortunetaly

                                                                                        Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                                                                                          Slark ? 10% cooldown reduction? Wash!



                                                                                              they called me doom, son of alchemist

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                                                                                                  Lmao i expect more than this. Luna and ember barely got nerf. Even ld doesnt seem to be nerf a lot lmao. Tnx icefrog for the balance

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    Every hero buffed and my hero pool either nerfed or stay irrelevant because of changed of talent that I never use,ggwp.EZ road to 5K


                                                                                                      techie nerf hahAA