General Discussion

General Discussionneed help. HS.

need help. HS. in General Discussion

    I am NS player and I just want to improve, and eventually reach HS. what can I do to improve my games so, I can play with at least better players. I am playing riki now, coz I can counter who counter me easily and I like him. Please give me any advice or suggestion to improve my games. I don't want to smurf and get boosted. Those are things which idiots do.


      playing with better players does not affect your skill, unless they're trying to coach you.

      only actual working ways to gain mmr in a fast time are:

      - getting coached
      - watching guides
      - analyzing games
      - practicing
      - thinking about the game

      with heavy analysis obviously being the fastest possible method to learn and improve


        Cookie got it covered


          Cookie gave a great answer.
          Here's what I'd like to add;
          On my this account, I was a normal-skill player as well. I kept watching pro games intensely. I tried to understand how the game should be played. For example, for most of normal skill players the map is 2 part (radiant side and dire side which are divided by the river) but you should be able to play as midlane also divides the map. If your safelane T1 or T2 tower is pressured by at least 3 heroes of the enemy you shouldn't fear of going into their jungle and farm there. It's one of many many aspects of course. This one is just an example. But the game is not just about fighting or not just about farming all game long.
          I mostly play safelane carry or support. I can play in the mid as well with certain heroes but never good at initiatior/offlane roles(actually not that awful but inconsistent throughout the game). You should be able to recognize your strong role in the team. I'm not saying you should abuse a hero or a role, tho. These 2 things are different.

          Lastly, the computer itself matters a lot. I was playing on 27-33 FPS range at my old laptop. I got myself a GTX1070 2 months ago and it made a direct impact on my level and after 30 games in my smurf account, I started to play HS games and my goal is to reach VHS any more. You should consider the performance of the pc as well.


            Don't even think about your bracket
            Just get good, VHS will come sooner or later


              PC performance only matters if you know what you're doing in the first place, going from 10 to 200 fps won't even matter if you don't even know how to last hit