General Discussion

General DiscussionIt would be NICE if we could -merge- dotabuff profiles, dont ya think ?

It would be NICE if we could -merge- dotabuff profiles, dont ya think ? in General Discussion

    So obv course I have my first dota account where i got nearly a thousand games played over the years. Now I have a second account with over 400+ games on it,

    I think it would be a very cool feature if you could merge the two accounts on dotabuff, even if it was a temporarily thing. Like if you left the page the merge would go away. But it'd be nice to be able to see my lifetime stats and heroes played etc...

    anyone agree?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      ^No don't do it or else a player that have Dog face as PP will show 6K games played 6K memer.


        I doubt frank or any smurf will want to merge their profile anyway


          I like it this way more, people can see how someone perform on different bracket


            i think thats impossible


              I don't mind if they implement this, but needs to have a decent amount of games to qualify.


                You are smurfing bro and therefore worth nothing. Why should anyone do anything for smurfers?

                SHYDAGGER I

                  It doesn't have to be a permanent merge, and it could also be done by logging in through both accounts. So a random couldn't merge with someone else.

                  and @Raptured, the first time I calibrated MMR was 4-5 years ago and was INFINITELY worse at the game than I am now. I calibrated at like 1200 and couldnt get much past 1500 mmr. I was consistently NOT the weak link of the team, and I was also leading basically every game. So I decided to make a new account, and voila, I land at 2200. A world of a difference, I still play with bad players but I also get more "real" games now. Games with 2 supports and an offlaner. Not nearly as many "5 carry games"

                  so @Raptured I think you need to open your mind a little bit and see the bigger view of things. You got a narrow mindset. I don't know exactly what "Smurfing" is, but I know after years of dota since I first calibrated, i've gotten tremendously better, so I think it's only fair I get a fresh start.