General Discussion

General Discussionis this only in 4k ??

is this only in 4k ?? in General Discussion

    i watch live game pro and theres weaver safelane
    or omni offlane .When game is over

    i go find match game starts and guy mark weaver safelane xD
    ofcourse i lose the game and dont understand why people do this

    same with people trying new sets ( on troll yesterday ) first pick safelane and gg


      What are you even asking?


        Whats wrong with that?! Weaver can be played both safe and off lane, and so do Omni.......

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          You lose the game because you are narrow minded.

          The fact you think weaver can't be played safelane says enough about you


            whats wrong with weaver safelane

            Player 368673122

              i think he's asking why under 7k trash try to copy pros in their pubs after just watching a live stream of weaver safelane with no boots and thinking they have a clue what they're doing as opposed to the traditional offlane weaver where laning would make more use of his skills

              i actually do agree with you though, i've seen a lot more weavers wanting safelane farm and having no boots for whole game - it DOES work... if you have a team who isn't trash

              Player 368673122

                seen heaps of low 4ks < try it and have no idea whatsoever as to pathing and where theyre coming out of shukuchi ... with no god damn boots and oh lord the stupid chases... get the fuck back to offlane and don't make safelane a fucking liability lane with you around


                  ^ Hero doesnt need any boots dafuq are you talking about... xD

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                  casual gamer

                    sry weaver safelane and weaver no boots is how you play that hero, ive been playing offlane omni for months

                    casual gamer

                      literally my brain is parsing it the same way you would parse someone saying pa is an offlaner


                        I'm confused since when has standard weaver not been safelane.


                          pa is a solid offlaner if you max blur and rush a headdress. A 6k friend told me that


                            weaver is a safelane hero atm, i believe


                              weaver can probably be played in any lane tbh


                                no support team
                                troll fault
                                dominator od (2much artz streams ?)

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                                Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                  i dont think i have ever bought boots on weaver really and he's like my hishest wr... but then again im only 3.x k mmr


                                    weaver as safe lane cmon hes to squishy for pos 1

                                    whats the point of offlane omni?
                                    u have same spells and all just maybe more items for mana lmao


                                      a weaver with items is anything but squishy. timelapse and sukuchi make him hard to gank and punish. once you get dragon lance weaver isn't really that squishy and he can do a ton of damage. He's very much like a lifestealer that cant get kited.


                                        You must be brain dead for making those statements OP... xD Maybe try it out yourself or lsiten to blue stars..

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                                        casual gamer

                                          i only have an issue when they have slardar + ls or some such combo, and even then only if im behind / we cant deathball

                                          either i can tank the burst because i have pos 1 farm = lance + linkens at a reasonable timing or some support uses push staff

                                          plus nobody can really manfight you because you can pike them away and keep hitting

                                          offlane omni = farm fast mek and 5 man with ur op spells

                                          Player 368673122

                                            not to be a c unt or anything but... i think you're confused, i agree no boot weaver is the way to go and how the heroes played ... in offlane

                                            as safelane i have no idea how you plan on not having to help after your babysitters disable wears off for the kill etc youre the blue star pro but i'm pretty sure you're wrong here

                                            these are just the most recent weaver games
                                            offlane no boot stomps 7k+

                                            as opposed to the safelane weaver you're talking about... where boots are always purchased early on cause you're freaking wasting safelane dude. 7k+
                                   (end items may not show boot cause it gets sold after 6slot but in tabs itll show treads/boot is always necessary)

                                            casual gamer

                                              ive never had issues chasing, even against slar/ld

                                              i just run behind them and hit, then attack move

                                              i hate that in invis im on int treads, it triggers me a little. sounds dumb but thats most of my beef


                                                axe is pain in ass for weaver
                                                yea but weaver safe is fucking 15 min farming in lane the hero needs moving al over the map thats why hes offlane
                                                farm and all that crap is nice but useless early game and too squishy vs Rigt click dmg meta slar ls etc
                                                i dont see 4k guy going to 5 k spamming weaver safe xD

                                                @drift pali liceeee


                                                  Opalim te po mozgu.. :thinking:

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                                                  Catsys Rivers

                                                    Omni as a solo off laner is nightmarishly strong, you know. How do you deal with him minute 2 when he has a pms, brown boots and 2 levels in Q and 1 in E. I've seen it in a few games since 7.0 came out in 6-7k games and I've yet to see one lose a lane. But if your safe lane core isn't getting farm because you don't have a safe lane support, then there's an issue.


                                                      The real safe lane is in the offlane because of shrine