General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur Warrunner

Centaur Warrunner in General Discussion

    Why do people get a hood of defiance in between their tranqs and blink dagger? wouldn't it be more efficient to rush blink after tranqs so that you can farm heroes and get hood afterwards?

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      Ofc it's better to get fast blink if you can get away with it


        Reliable sustain and also helps your a lot in fights, with bare blink you are just too weak, if you fail to get a kill with initiation thats a big trouble..

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        Player 368673122

          i believe its because hood doesnt involve a lot of saving and would provide the regen tranqs does even when engaged in battle or creeping at early stages and activating hood then double edging doesn't do you any damage

          also the magic damage done to yourself is reduced regardless


            because at lvl 7 ur Edge nuke hurts u so bad thats why u go first that plus u can farm hard camps ez maybe even ancients its same thing i go vqnguard on axe first
            at 9 min vanguard make me farm blink in 12 13 min ans blademail at 16 17
            at 23 24 i allrdy have my bkb
            if i went blink first i would not touch anceints and die very fast in fights


              hes more of a farming/defensive hero than slardar, and scales much better into the lategame


                I guess it's a matter of whether your team needs Centaur to have a quick Blink Dagger or if they really don't and he can spend the time farming, which is faster with his hood.


                  rushing dagger sucks, just too weak


                    Thing is on axe, he has no mobility, meanwhile cent can get away with skipping blink cuz he can use ulti for repositioning. Plus it helps farm and makes u almost impossible to kill.